During Tuesday night’s rather short Mattapoisett Select Board meeting, the members checked calendars and selected dates for a few of the moving parts associated with the Spring Town Meeting.
First and foremost is the actual meeting itself, scheduled for Monday, May 13, at Old Rochester Regional High School auditorium. Although the time was not confirmed, historically Mattapoisett Town Meeting has begun at 6:00 pm.
The warrant will be opened on March 26 and closed on April 9. Information on the process for submitting an article for the warrant is available at the Select Board office.
Town Administrator Mike Lorenco said that he knows there will be an article coming from Old Rochester Regional Junior and Senior high schools for capital improvements. He said that in 2025 old debt incurred by the school will be “rolling off,” allowing new debt to be considered. Lorenco said that this plan has already been approved.
On April 23, the board will meet with the Finance Committee to review the draft warrant, and on April 26 at 3:30 pm, the board will meet to accept the document.
In other business, the board approved the transfer of entertainment and lodging licenses to the new owners of the Inn at Shipyard Park. The board also approved renewal of aquaculture licenses for Robert Field of Copper Farm and Mike Ward of Blue Street. The approvals were for two licenses for each business. The board signed an agreement with Eversource for charging stations to be installed at the Police Station.
The board also met briefly with Highway Surveyor Garrett Bauer to approve a list of obsolete equipment for auction. Those items are: 1995 Ford Super Duty; 1989 Ford 655C backhoe; 2008 Ford F-650;
2011 6-yard Torwell Sander; and a 2008 McConnell Boom Mower.
The board approved the appointment of Nancy Souza to the Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School District Committee, as well as the resignation of William Wennerberg from the Tree Committee.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, at 6:00 pm.
Mattapoisett Select Board
By Marilou Newell