Mattapoisett Prepares for Summer

            On June 1, the members of the Mattapoisett Select Board, seasoned veteran and Chairman Jordan Collyer and newly elected member Jodi Bauer met to discuss various aspects of reopening the town for business both commercial and public.

            With the board members seated in the conference room at Town Hall alongside Town Administrator Mike Lorenco and Assistant to Town Operations Christine Richards, the remote meeting access granted a bridge for those wishing to participate from home, a bridge that may become permanent. Collyer and Bauer heard from Lorenco that Governor Baker is allowing use of remote meeting platforms until June 15, while legislation may grant continued use of remote meetings for greater public participation.

            “It’s most likely the governor will mandate that a quorum of a committee must be present in a public location but that those wishing to participate remotely will have that option,” said Lorenco, who added that the governor may be looking at making some virtual meeting modes permanent options. He reiterated, however, that for such matters as public hearings, participants would have to be in attendance where the meeting is taking place. They would not be allowed to participate remotely.

            The Select Board members both believe it is a good idea to grant public access via remote platforms. Collyer said it works well for people with children who want to participate but are unable to leave their homes.

            Lorenco also said that current state guidelines mandate the wearing of masks by those who have not been vaccinated and are inside a commercial or public structure and cannot maintain 6 feet of social distance. He noted that on May 29 the mask mandate was lifted by the governor but left in place were masking requirements for the unvaccinated, as well as masks for everyone entering congregate and health care facilities and public modes of transportation such as buses and taxis.

            The board met with members of the Lions Club to affirm their approval for the annual Harbor Days fundraiser. Bob Saunders said he has been working closely with Public Health Nurse Emily Field. Collyer said that all sanitary guidelines for handling food served at the event must be upheld.

Collyer also said that, should the pandemic conditions escalate, “We reserve the right to cancel it.” He said vendors should have hand sanitizers available for themselves and the public. Saunders said that, given that the number of vendors has been reduced, there would be plenty of room for people to move around in Shipyard Park.

            Returning this summer and approved by the board are band concerts in the gazebo at Shipyard Park beginning on July 7 through August 25 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm under the leadership of bandleader Jim Farmer.

            Also returning will be a night of square dancing on the wharves on July 10 at 6:00 pm, but the annual Mattapoisett Fourth of July Road Race was postponed until August 21.

            Continuing on the theme of “things seem to be heading in the right direction,” Lorenco said that the Council on Aging is slowly resuming its activities to pre-Covid levels and that the library is now fully open. “All businesses can operate at 100 percent capacity,” he said.

            The board discussed whether to sell one-day beach parking passes for the two public beaches located on Water Street and Aucoot Road. After serious consideration that included the need to continue to use the Water Street parking area for boat trailers given that construction materials are still be stockpiled at the Depot Street public parking area for the bike path construction, the board decided to limit beach parking privileges to residents only.

            Regarding beaches, Lorenco said that the parking area at the beach at the end of Reservation Road is strictly private property owned by the Reservation Golf Course and that violators would be ticketed and cars would be towed. He also said that a full-time attendant will be posted at Aucoot Beach this summer.

            Collyer acknowledged that planning will have to resume for Good Speed Island when the new section of the bike path opens. He said that late member John DeCosta had been spearheading those plans, but that such matters as trash receptacles and policing need to be addressed.

            In other business, the board decided to delay the annual town appointments process until after the July 27 special election to fill the seat vacated by the passing of DeCosta. They feel that a full board is necessary given that Select Board members often recuse themselves from voting on appointments. The board did, however, appoint six shellfish constables: Harbormaster Jamie McIntosh, John Delenanty, Adam Perkins, Wayne Ferreira, Gerald Beaudion, and Robert Clavin. Collyer said this is the beginning of transitioning the responsibilities for the shellfish program from the animal control officer to the harbormaster.

            There was conversation with resident Colleen Trahan, who said she is interested in a seat on the Finance Committee, but after submitting her letter of interest had not heard anything in return. Collyer encouraged her to resubmit her letter of interest and resume after explaining that seats on that committee are based on neighborhoods – one member from each of the designated neighborhoods plus two member-at-large seats.

            Collyer said anyone interested in volunteering for a town committee seat should send their letter of interest to the town administrator and copy the Select Board.

            Lorenco announced that the state of Massachusetts now recognizes Juneteenth as a holiday and as such town services will be closed. He said that Juneteenth is a day that commemorates the June 19, 1865 event when Union Major General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas to alert slaves that they were emancipated.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, June 22, at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Select Board

By Marilou Newell

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