Norman Hills and Rico Ferrari, members of the Marion Planning Board, outlined for the Marion Board of Selectmen members Jody Dickerson and Stephen Cushing the Town’s Master Plan. Hills said a public workshop had been held and meetings with SRPEDD had taken place. Information and feedback gathered from those activities fed into the final document.
But a lack of public response caused Cushing to question if sufficient public input had been acquired. Only 19 residents participated in the workshop, Hill reported. He also said not many residents had visited the Town’s website to provide feedback.
Dickerson said, “In the 1990’s we did neighborhood meetings…town employees too and got great response doing that.” He wondered if tax bills or water bills could go out with a notice asking for the public to participate in this important work.
“People need to come to the workshops,” said Hills.
One of the articles expected to be on the Town Meeting Warrant is a request for $30,000 for a part-time town planner.
“A planner would support the master plan,” said Hills. Ferrari added, “…Someone to supplement our lack of knowledge and implement the plan…”
Previous master plans included action items that were never acted upon, Hills pointed out. Dickerson said they had tried to get the Town to approve a town planner in the past with no success.
Hills stated again, “Community effort, people have to be involved.”
Ferrari added, “We want to draw from the community some leadership…” to help the town see results from the Master Plan.
Hills asked if the Board of Selectmen would invite the Town’s department heads to come together for a brainstorming session saying, “Marion residents’ participation is critical.”
In other business, the selectmen voted to approve the Affordable Housing Plan; to increase the number of Music Hall Advisory Committee members to nine; and the Department of Public Works union contract that will increase two percent in Fiscal Yean 2016.
Town Administrator Paul Dawson reported that the fire chief search has generated 48 interested people.
Dawson also told the board counterfeit guest privilege passes had been discovered and reported by a resident who witnessed someone making them on a commercial copier. He said residents holding passes will receive a letter reminding them of the proper use of the passes, and that improper use will result in all family parking privileges being denied.
On a happier note, Dawson said that bids will be accepted starting Thursday, April 23 for the 2015 July 4th fireworks show. Dickerson assured Dawson that the money, 100 percent from private donations, is funding this summer’s event.
The next meeting of the Marion Board of Selectmen is scheduled for May 5 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Town House.
By Marilou Newell