The April 24 meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission included a request by the commission that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection take over a case, given the local commission has heretofore not received property-owner compliance.
The issues stem from disturbances on a coastal bank located at 41 Cove Street owned by William Sylvia. The commission received notification that beach sand that would have required soil analysis was being added to the barrier beach on the property without permission. Chairman Mike King said the DEP would review the Order of Conditions originally issued to Sylvia and work towards compliance.
Another case that included noncompliance became part of a Notice of Intent filing by Earl Miranda, to whom the commission has reached out over the past several years regarding activities on his 28 Meadowbrook Lane property.
After the commission was alerted by the Assessor’s Office that possible, unpermitted activities were taking place on property owned by Miranda, the commission contacted him so he might explain his plan for the property. On April 24, David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc., represented Miranda and rolled out his plan. That NOI filing was for the construction of a 24×24-foot detached garage.
The Assessor’s Office had reported to the commission that changes to the property and building were valued at more than $25,000 but had not been reported or permitted. Wishing to bring matters to an amicable closure, King asked Davignon to set up a preconstruction meeting that would grant the commission the opportunity to make a site visit and advise Miranda on what he could and could not do on the property pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act. Davignon agreed that would be beneficial.
In other business, a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Michael Esposito for improvements to his drainage system received a Negative Determination of Applicability. A NOI filed by Dennis Arsenault, Brandt Island Road, for the construction of a single-family home was conditioned.
A NOI filed by Stephen Cook Family Realty Trust, 7 Holly Street, for the installation of a new septic system was conditioned but not before Conservation Agent Brandon Faneuf voiced his concerns that part of the groundwater drainage system might “squeeze” the groundwater, causing it to push up and possibly flood neighboring yards. King said he had confidence in the design Davignon presented. The NOI was conditioned.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, May 22, at 6:30 pm.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell