The Marion Conservation Commission met on the evening of Wednesday, April 11 and the meeting went smoothly. They voted to issue a certificate of compliance to Pappalardo Nominee Trust for pier maintenance, including concrete caps and new timber decking. They signed off on a request for determination for John P. and Craig F. Lawrence, who would like to construct some additions to property at 5 Pawkechatt Way, as well as a gazebo.
The Commission continued the hearing to the April 25 meeting for a Notice of Intent submitted by PNH Realty Trust, regarding the paving of a parking area and installation of a chain-link fence at 635 Mill Street, after it became apparent PNH was using outdated wetland lines on their map.
“We went out there Saturday. The wetland line you’re using is seven or eight years old. Secondly, there are no flags,” said Vice Chairman and Clerk Norman Hills. The continuation will give PNH time to flag the property and determine proper wetland lines.
They also discussed the request of Michael and Lisa Baltz of 114 Allens Pond Road to pave over the existing gravel driveway. The Commission decided that there must be a request of determination filed in order to determine if there could be any negative effects from run-off into a nearby wetland area should the driveway be paved.
Then the Commission heard from engineer Dave Davignon of Schneider and Associates on behalf of Claude Hoopes. They filed an RFD to upgrade the failing septic system on the property at 91 Piney Point Road.
“The Hoopes’ are selling the property and the current system is failing,” Davignon said. “We’re looking at updating the leaching field.” The Commission seemed satisfied with the plan and closed the hearing.
In other business, the Commission voted in favor of a Notice of Intent submitted by the Kittansett Club, regarding the maintenance of the channel north of the 4th tee and sea wall repairs.
The next meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission will be on Wednesday, April 25, at 7:00 pm.
By Eric Tripoli