Marion 175th Anniversary Committee Seeks Members

The Marion Planning Board met Tuesday, February 18 and welcomed Olivia Pryor, a new Administrative Assistant.

            The Chair asked that members email him directly should they have concerns arising from the meeting. Issues such as improper procedures, technical problems, distractions, or other issues. When said issues arise and when the chair is notified. he will direct concerns to the appropriate party. He also advised members that when writing emails, letters, items for newspapers, or social media, to make it clear that communication reflects their own views and not those of the board collectively.

            Special Hearing on FSJ property at 207-215 Wareham Street was continued to March 17 at party’s request.

            Minutes from meeting on February 3 approved with corrections, one of which clarifying a member’s comment on Short-Term Rentals. The statement will be corrected to read that Short Term-Rentals should be allowed only in general business and limited industrial areas and not in residential areas.

            The Continued Public Hearing regarding amendments and additions to the building code regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s), consistent with MGL40A, s.5 and General Town Bylaws, was opened. After a lengthy discussion on refining and clarifying proposed language, a vote to move those changes forward was passed.

            The agenda item on Aquifer Protection was discussed briefly and deferred to the next meeting, as was the discussion on Short-Term Rentals. Both will be tackled at the March 3 meeting and members should prepare for a lengthy meeting.

            Comments to ZBA on proposed home expansion at 6 Whitaker Street. Permit is requesting an increase of approximately 125% on a small house occupying two lots. Most members had no comment; one expressed that the property should be in keeping with the scale of the other properties in the area.

            Before adjourning, the chair asked that members and others present put the word out that both the Fireworks Committee and the 175th Marion Anniversary Committee are looking for members.  Those interested in learning more are encouraged to contact Donna Hemphill at Town Hall –

            The next meeting is scheduled for March 3, Police Department Conference Room, 7:00 pm.

Marion Planning Board

By Mary McCann Fiske

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