Lawrence Way Solar Array Approved

Robert Lawrence came before the ZBA on Thursday, seeking a special permit to allow him to construct a 30-panel solar array on his property at 15 Lawrence Way.

The piece of land proposed for the panels, which is less than two acres, is located on a private, unpaved roadway.  Upon Town Administrator John Charbonneau’s recommendation, Lawrence had filed for an appeal for the project to be considered to be a minor modification so as to streamline the process for approval.

“It is the only viable spot to put photovoltaics is right here on this spot,” Lawrence said.  He added that the Planning Board and Conservation Commission had supported the project.  “I’d really like the building permit to put the array in, but I need a building permit, which can only come from this board.”

Use of the private road is shared between Lawrence and a local cranberry farm, which uses the area to access its bogs.

A representative from the bog, Lynda Kiernan, was present but had no questions or concerns.

After a quick examination of the plans, the ZBA saw no issues with the project and voted unanimously in favor of the solar array.

The next meeting of the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals will be on Thursday, October 25, 2012, at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.

By Eric Tripoli

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