Harbormaster Horace Field said that the new launch service in Mattapoisett Harbor could be available to boaters starting as early as this weekend, June 16-17. Field, along with Marine Advisory Board Chairman Alan Gillis met before the Board of Selectmen during their regular meeting on Tuesday, June 12.
Field also gave an update on the Taylor Aquaculture dilemma. Earlier in the year, Robert Taylor received a list of requirements in terms of markings for his aquaculture in the harbor. Field said Taylor had obtained the proper buoys for his aquaculture and they are at the correct distance away from each other. However, Field said that Taylor needs to obtain new channel markers to achieve compliance with the new regulations.
“He should change them out,” said Selectman Paul Silva.
The Marine Advisory Board made a few recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. The first was that the Board raise the prices of stickers for dinghies in the harbor in order to pay for the recently installed racks. They also recommended that the town purchase only the amount of stickers to suit the amount of available spots in the harbor. Both of these rules, however, will not come into play until next summer.
Gillis recommended that the town coordinate a better parking system for the area around the harbor. As it stands right now, the parking is very discombobulated. Both boards agreed to implement angled parking and to also utilize the Beach Attendant on Duty to make sure people are parking in an orderly fashion.
The Marine Advisory Board also advised getting a set of solar floodlights to put around the launch area. According to Gillis, the lighting situation right now is unfit, and solar lights would be the most cost effective solution. Gagne asked Gillis to provide him with a provider so they could begin pricing out options.
In other news, Gagne gave an update on the town’s photovoltaic project. He said the project is still in the planning stages and is 3-4 months away from being ready to put out to bid. If all goes well, construction could begin in early 2013.
Gagne also is seeking interested benefactors for donations to replace the fence in Shipyard Park. He said the current fence is rotting and the town should replace it in the fall.
“It would be a very nice gift to the community of Mattapoisett,” Gagne said.
Both Pastor Amy Lignitz Harken and Earl Sylvia were appointed to the Mattapoisett Council on Aging. The Board also voted to appoint George Randall to the Agricultural Commission.
The Mattapoisett Open Space and Recreation Plan will be holding an introductory meeting on Thursday, June 21 at 6:30 pm in the Mattapoisett Library. The group is looking for recommendations on town property that residents believe should be historically preserved.
The Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen will meet again on Tuesday, July 11 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall.
By Katy Fitzpatrick