Job’s Cove Pier Proposal Presented

A proposed pier, 380 feet in length, with 12 pilings with a 5 foot width, which will cross a salt marsh in Job’s Cove was proposed at the Marion Conservation Commission meeting on Wednesday.

The Notice of Intent, filed by Copper Medal LLC of 125-129 Converse Road requested permission to remove an existing solid-filled pier and construct a 380 foot long, pile-supported, T-shaped association pier in Job’s Cove with four gangways and four floats to service a total of eight homes (boats), consisting of four existing homes and four future single-family homes.

Dave Davignon of N. Douglas Schneider Associates represented the applicant and presented the plans which the board reviewed for the first time.

The association consists of 8 lots, of which 3 are vacant and for sale. Of the 8 lots, four are existing homes and one is a lot that has been purchased and will be built upon in the spring of 2012.

The proposed pier will allow for 8 slips, one for each homeowner in the association, for boats of an undetermined length. “Our goal is to solve the dilemma for access to boating for all the association members and for all the lots on the property,” said Mr. Davignon. Mr. Davignon said that remnants from an old pier, with only large rocks remaining, would be removed.

Conservation Commission member Norm Hills looked at the plans and suggested another location for boat access which would provide direct access to the water and lessen the overall impact on shellfish and fragile marsh area.

“Why is the proposal here when it would provide a more direct access and less impact over here?” asked Mr. Hills, in looking at the plans. In an exchange, it was noted that the proposed pier was located where there would be equal access to all homeowners in the parcel, possibly via golf-cart, to the centrally located pier.

When asked about the proposed length of the boats to be docked, Mr. Davignon said that it had not yet been determined.

“The size of the boat would give us something to start with,” said committee member Sherman Briggs. “That’s the starting point to determine the pier length, the closeness of floats and the environmental impact of the proposal.”

It was also noted that the proposed pier is near the recently approved half acre aquaculture project which has the potential of expanding into a one acre farm. “How close is this to that project?” asked Mr. Briggs. “These plans don’t show it. We need plans that show the proximity to that area,” said Mr. Hills.

Another issue brought up by committee member Norm Hills was the shade impact of a 380 foot pier as well as the depth of the separation from the bottom of the harbor to the proposed floats at low tide, which were less than the two and half feet recommended by a federal agency.

Mr. Davignon said that he was open to comments from all the committees and agencies involved in the proposal, including the local Marion Conservation Committee, Marion Harbormaster, Marion Planning Board and the MA Department of Fisheries, Army Corps of Engineers, National Heritage for Endangered Species and Coastal Zone Management Agency and others.

“I’m gathering comments right now,” said Mr. Davignon, “to revise and refine the proposal.”

The public has 30 days to comment on the proposal presented at the meeting.

The application was continued until January 11, 2012 at 7:20 pm.

Next up was the continuation of the proposal by Bay Watch Realty Trust for a Notice of Intent at Lots 27-29 off Front Street (Rote 105) to construct an affordable housing complex under Chapter 40B with associated parking areas, on-site and off-site utility connections, storm water management infrastructure and related mitigation measures.

The board said they were unable to comment on the proposal, due to a lack of information not yet received back by various agencies and individuals working on their behalf, but would listen to the comments by Bay Watch representatives.

Mr. Sean Hale, of Epsilon spoke about the “replication principals” surrounding the environmental impact of the shade canopy of the wood bridge entering the project, the shrubs and ground cover. “This is very similar to what was proposed before, but it’s on a smaller scale… We’re matching species that is already there… red maple, sweet pepper bush and doing soil replications,” said Mr. Hale.

Bay Watch attorney, Mr. Richard Nilen asked if a check for fees associated with a peer review study would be accepted and agreed that a sum of $2000 would be given for that purpose by Bay Watch Realty Trust.

The board agreed to continue the hearing, scheduled for January 11, 2012 at 7:20.

In other business, the board voted to increase their proposed operating budget for fiscal year 2013 to $3000, up from the current 2012 fiscal year budget of $2512, to allow for on site training for existing members and to train a new associate member and for items that fall into capital improvement, including technical equipment, which don’t fall into the 5 year, long term capital improvement category.

By Joan Hartnett-Barry

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