Hazard Mitigation and Master Plan Accepted

Hazard mitigation plans were briefly discussed on February 3 as the Mattapoisett Planning Board went through their brief but important agenda. The board has been formulating mitigation plans for several months in concert with the town’s safety units (police), Highway Department (evacuation routes), and the Water and Sewer Department (Mattapoisett River Valley).

            The board approved changes and updates based on community and departmental comments and moving to endorse the plan as proposed. Next step for the plan is a review by MEMA which is the state agency charged with the responsibility for ensuring cities and towns are ready in the event of environmental calamities. As noted on the state’s website, “We provide Massachusetts residents and visitors emergency preparedness resources, emergency alerts, and information during and after emergencies and disasters. MEMA coordinates with federal, state, and local government agencies, non-profits and businesses to prepare, respond and recover from emergencies and disasters.”

            The plan will also go through a FEMA review to ensure it aligns with federal requirements.

            The board also approved the adoption of the 2022 Master Plan. Next stop the Select Board.

            Also on the agenda were two applications for Approval Not Required. The first was filed by the Mattapoisett Land trust for property owned by Faith Ball and Lauren Carlson, 0 Cove Street. The land separation was described as unbuildable parcels with the intent for future conveyance to the Mattapoisett Land Trust.

            Also approved was an Approval Not Required for 76 County Road owned by Dagnelllo LLC. The intent is the creation of a buildable lot for future development.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for March 3 at 7:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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