The Marion Conservation Commission began Wednesday night’s meeting with a hearing continued from September 12. Susan Domolky of 85 Moorings Road has filed a Notice of Intent to trim and cut downed trees, brush and Japanese knotweed in order to create a wetland restoration planting area. The hearing was continued because the project did not have a DEP file number at the previous meeting.
Susan Nilson from CLE Engineering represented Domolky and presented a final list of the plant species that would be removed. The biggest focus would be invasive phragmites and knotweed.
“They need to treat the first round of the phragmite by early October,” Nilson said.
The Commission voted in favor of the project as presented.
Next, the Commission held a hearing for Gale Runnels of 17 Reservation Way regarding a Notice of Intent to construct a garage and breezeway to the home on the property.
Commission Clerk Norman Hills said he received a call from engineer Rick Charon before the meeting requesting a continuance for the hearing. At the time of Wednesday’s meeting, the project did not have a DEP file number.
Then, the Conservation Commission heard from Buzzards Bay Habitat for Humanity, which has filed a Notice of Intent to build a single-family home and driveway at 185 Wareham Street. The home project has been in the works for several months while Habitat raised money and gathered resources for the build.
“This lot was recently created through a Planning Board process for Habitat to construct this dwelling,” said engineer Nick Dufresne of Thompson Farland. “We have proposed erosion controls around all the work that’s proposed. The structure is completely located outside of the 100-foot buffer zone.”
“You don’t have a lot of room to work on this project, for starters,” said Hills, who was concerned that a large pile of fill could run off due to bad weather if not properly secured.
“By the time they dig the hole and take the boulder out, they’re going to need a lot of material,” said Chairman Sherman Briggs. “But it’s been a long time coming and I’m glad we got here.”
The hearing was continued because the project did not have a DEP file number.
The next hearing on the agenda, regarding a Notice of Intent filed by Sanford Russell, Jr. of 5 Main Street, was continued until the Commission’s meeting on October 10 at the request of the applicant.
Then the Commission held a hearing for Kate Mahoney of 40 Dexter Road. She had filed a Request for Determination of Applicability to construct an addition to the existing home, including a deck. The project also calls for the reconstruction of the front porch and steps.
“It looks like it’ll be built on sono-tubes. There’s no foundation. I expect a great deal of earth-moving,” said Hills.
“The house used to be located in a velocity zone, but now it’s in an AE zone on the new FEMA maps,” said Dave Davignon, the engineer representing Mahoney.
Seeing no issues, the Conservation Commission approved the request.
The last hearing of the night, for Peter and Asha Wallace of 167 Converse Road, was listed as continued until the Commission’s next meeting on October 10 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.
By Eric Tripoli