The Mattapoisett Select Board heard from Conservation Commission member David Nicolosi and ConCom Chairman Mike King during the Select Board’s Tuesday night meeting on details of a wetlands violation on public lands.
As Nicolosi described, an abutter to 1 Goodspeed Island Road notified the office of possible unpermitted activity. An extension to the guardrail on the easterly side had been erected. Not only was the fencing not permitted, it cut off public access to public spaces along an inlet well known for blue-crab fishing. Also, private-property signage on public lands had been put in place, and two cedar trees and grasses had been planted.
Representing the party responsible for the violations was David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc. Davignon stated that his client was willing to do whatever the town wished to rectify the matter but asked that private-property signage where applicable be allowed.
Nicolosi and King agreed that the property needs to be surveyed to ensure property lines are clearly marked in the field, that the environmental agent should examine grasses for acceptability to wetlands (and likely removal), remove offending fencing and install new signs indicating public and private spaces.
The homeowner in violation, who remained unnamed throughout the proceedings, will be required to file a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) after the fact. Meanwhile, the Conservation Commission will issue an emergency order to the town so work can commence.
Select Board Chairman Jodi Bauer lauded town departments for their work during the December 18 storm, and residents were urged to contact the Conservation Commission office if storm damage impacted private wetland areas and repairs are needed.
Earlier in the meeting, the board approved the use of $23,500 of ARPA funds for website upgrades.
As the board prepared to close the meeting, Bauer and member Tyler Macallister noted the disappointment that was felt by many when during the Holiday in the Park event someone connected the tree light in advance of the formal lighting.
Bauer suggested and the board agreed that in coming years the honor of lighting the tree should go to the winner of the Arbor Day Poster Contest held each year by the Tree Committee.
The board also made preliminary plans for meetings with department heads for budget discussions in preparation for the Annual (spring) Town Meeting.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, at 6:30 pm.
Mattapoisett Select Board
By Marilou Newell