Friends of the Bike Path Plan Fundraiser

The Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 10 and heard updates from several committees as the Annual Town Meeting quickly approaches.

Fire Chief Andrew Murray spoke to the Board about plans for the old fire engine, now retired thanks to the purchase and delivery of a new engine two weeks ago. The old engine is still in service for the next four to six weeks as the Fire Department trains and prepares the new one for use.

Mattapoisett Town Administrator Mike Gagne said that the town has been using a company called MuniciBid, which is an eBay style auction site for municipalities to sell used equipment of various kinds. He said they would determine a fair reserve price for the old engine by examining the selling prices of similar trucks on the site.

The Board then heard from Joseph Murray, President of the Mattapoisett Lions Club, who presented to them a chronological history of the different ways the Lions Club has supported the town, including the construction of the Shipyard Park Gazebo in 1954 and the purchase of playground equipment for Center School in 1975.

Next, Bonne DeSousa, President of the Friends of the Bike Path, details the plans for a fundraiser on June 24, in conjunction with the YMCA, where money collected would go to help complete the Mattapoisett Rail Trail.

The fundraiser would include a bike ride on the trail, a fitness challenge, and an information session at the YMCA for residents to learn more about local bike trails and how to be safer riders.

Safety was a big concern of Selectman Tyler Macallister, who voiced his worries about cyclists who don’t stop at stop signs at the intersection of Mattapoisett Neck Road and Brandt Island Road. He said bikers usually make a loop in the middle of the road in order to turn around to head back the opposite way, sometimes near 40-mph car traffic.

“I’ve seen too many people come too close too many times,” he said.  DeSousa believes that, since installing safety equipment, such as illuminated message signs at the intersection, would be a costly project. She said the best way to keep bikers safe is to keep promoting smart riding and safety habits.

The Board then heard from John DeCosta, from the Community Preservation Committee, who provided updates on funding for projects going before the Annual Town Meeting.

Some of the projects include $25,000 to begin preliminary studies for affordable housing for senior citizens.

“We all felt affordable senior housing was something Mattapoisett needs,” he said. The Committee also has had requests for $51,500 to fix the Center School clock tower.

The Coalition for Buzzards Bay also requested money to help purchase over 300 acres of land on the Fairhaven town line to be preserved for light recreational activity, such as picnics and hiking. They asked for $150,000 this year and the same amount next year be allocated to the purchase, but the CPC rejected their request.

We felt it was just too big a chunk,” said DeCosta.

Then Chuck McCullough of the Capital Planning Committee gave his update on the town’s five year Capital Plan, which includes allocations of $13,000 to replace a special breathing apparatus for the Fire Department and $35,000 to replace the town assessor’s maps.

“The time has come to get this done, to get them cleaned up and updated,” he said.

Town Administrator Mike Gagne then offered his report. He said the town is working on selling off some surplus equipment and vehicles, the money from which would go to the capital equipment stabilization fund.

“We’re getting rid of 11 pieces of equipment for a total of $16,000,” Gagne said. He also noted completion on the handicapped accessible sidewalk to the left of the main entrance of the Mattapoisett Town Hall, which was constructed by students from the vocational school. Gagne also said he would like to organize a group of writers to craft descriptions of various volunteer opportunities, to be posted on the town’s website.

“There are a lot of people willing to volunteer, but they don’t have a good idea as to what boards and commissions exist,” he said. The descriptions would detail the regular duties of the open positions, as well as any meetings that volunteers would be required to attend.

In other business, the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to re-appoint Ray Andrews to the Old Colony School Committee.

The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen will be on Tuesday, April 24 at the Town Hall.

By Eric Tripoli

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