On May 2, the Mattapoisett Finance Committee began its town meeting warrant article review, but only after Chairman Pat Donoghue questioned her most recent water bill.
Donoghue said that she did not recall Water and Sewer Superintendent Henri Renauld ever discussing an increase in water rates when he met with the committee during previous months; however, upon receiving her water bill, she noticed an increase.
“They changed the tiers so now the lowest level will get about an 8-percent increase,” Donoghue surmised. She said she ran the numbers and said, “I’m a little concerned. … It’s messed up my understanding of how they intend to pay for their projects.”
According to Donoghue’s projections, those households falling into the higher tiers will see an increase of about 3.5 percent, while those in the mid-range would see an increase of 6 percent.
Gagne said he’d ask Renauld to come to the committee’s next meeting to discuss the matter.
A notice mailed to consumers with the April statements notes, in part:
“For each tier, the fees remain the same; however, the first 1,250cf of water is billed at $7.04 100/cf. when previously the first 2000cf of water consumed was billed at $7.04/100cf. For 1,251 to 3,250cf of water consumed the current rate is $9.18 100/cf … [versus] … 2,000 to 4,000cf billed at $9.18 100/cf. Water consumed above 3,251cf is billed at the current rate of $10.63 100/cf – when in the past all water consumed above 4,000/cf was billed at $10.63 100/cf.”
The committee also discussed the possible new revenue stream that a marijuana cultivation facility might generate if amendments to zoning bylaws pass Town Meeting.
A citizen’s petition is on the warrant asking voters to approve changes to the current restrictions that do not allow the cultivation of marijuana for adult recreational use. The amendments, simply put, will allow not only the placement of a cultivation facility in the Limited Industry Zone located on Industrial Drive, but also that a portion of the marijuana crop could be supplied to adult-use sales establishments outside Mattapoisett.
A five-year community compact agreement would include the estimated sum of $200,000 paid to the town per year, which Gagne said would represented “new growth.”
A public hearing on proposed zoning bylaw amendments is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, at 7:00 pm at Old Hammondtown Elementary School.
Another bylaw change for voters to consider involves the expansion of lot coverage on parcels located in the Industrial Zone that, if passed, would allow a 70 percent lot coverage for those parcels, but only if the parcel is connected to the municipal sewer system.
To support the lot coverage expansion and make it viable, voters will also be asked to approve $35,000 from Sewer Retained Earnings to connect the whole of the Limited Industrial District to the public sewer system. Individual costs associated with parcels connecting to the system will be the responsibility of the private property owners, Gagne said.
Presently there is a sewer terminus located on the north side of the Bay Club property, which had been placed there for future Industrial Zone expansion.
Revenue projections are still pending for the FY20 budget.
A copy of the warrant may be viewed at www.mattapoisett.net.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Finance Committee is scheduled for May 7 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.
Mattapoisett Finance Committee
By Marilou Newell