FinCom Bids Adieu to Baldwin, Winters

Marion Finance Director Judy Mooney met with the Marion Finance Committee on July 12 to gain approval in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40, Section 6 for five transfers totaling approximately $65,000.

            Working off a July 15 deadline, Mooney requested the special meeting attended by Chairman Shay Assad, Fred Mock and Jay Pateakos.

            The first request was for $8,965.33 from the Reserve Fund to the town treasurer for the purpose of contract services (ambulance billing.) Mooney suspects with a $15,000 budget for FY24, the committee may be looking at another such request next year.

            The second request was for $2,000 to partially offset the negative $3,575 balance in the Animal Control account due to reimbursement for the officer’s use of her personal vehicle as necessitated by the job.

            The third request was for $9,345.36 for Marine Resources to offset the negative $8,345.36 balance created by the vacation buyout associated with the Harbormaster’s contract. Interim Harbormaster Adam Murphy requested the $1,000 cushion to absorb any outstanding invoices that might be forthcoming. Any unused funds will flow out to free cash, according to Mooney.

            The fourth request was for $3,228.74 for veterans’ benefits. Mooney said the town receives 75% reimbursement during the next fiscal year.” This just means we have more veterans seeking out benefits, which is a good thing because we’re helping them out with both their medical insurance and their monthly expenses,” she explained.

            The fifth request was for $42,134 for the Sewer Department due to the sewer-main break on Point Road. Relaying an explanation from DPW Director Becky Tilden, Mooney said there was no history of failures with the force main until this past spring. Mooney said there were two occurrences.

            “The bills are well over $100,000 on these,” said Mooney, noting that much of the expense was covered by existing money in the Sewer account. The present balance is listed at $28,633.

            Assad announced that members Peter Winters and Margie Baldwin have resigned from the committee, Winters to focus on his new duties on the Board of Assessors.

            “Both of them have been fantastic members of the Finance Committee. Maybe in the fall we’re going to do something to recognize both of them because they have really contributed, not just to the Finance Committee but to the town in general,” said Assad.

            Mooney and committee members in attendance heartily agreed.

            The Finance Committee did not schedule its next meeting upon adjournment.

Marion Finance Committee

By Mick Colageo

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