Family Beer and Wine Shop Permit Approved

Of three projects scheduled for public hearings, one moved forward and two were postponed at the request of the applicants.

            C&J Sull LLC, doing business as Sull Wine, was first on the agenda. They sought a special permit for a general retail establishment for the sale of wine and beer. Owner Joel Sullivan introduced himself to the board as the manager of the former Sullivan Liquors, a well-known local store until the building it occupied was sold. He said experience and expertise in operating such a business and was eager to offer the community a quality, family-run store in a convenient location.

            The board looked favorably at the proposed business and determined that the applicant has met the necessary requirements thus far. It was pointed out that if the store will sell food of any kind, a permit from the Board of Health is required. Sullivan and his attorney assured the Board they would comply.

            The Board voted unanimously to approve the Special Permit.

            Papa’s Real Estate, LLC, was next on the agenda regarding a Major Site Plan Review. This was continued indefinitely at the request of the applicant. Also scheduled for a Major Site Plan Review, 78 Wareham Road LLC was continued to October 10 at the applicant’s request.

            There followed a discussion of minutes of the meeting of August 5, which had not yet been approved by the Board. Mr. Daniel noted the Board had requested that a portion of the minutes referencing the storm water discussion be rewritten, and he had done so. Ms. Marum stated that her “words were removed” without her consent. She felt that based on her research, the Board is in violation of the Open Meeting law and she intends to file a complaint with the Attorney General’s office.

            The next meeting of the Planning Board will be on October 21 at 7:00 at the Marion Police Department.

Marion Planning Board

By Mary McCann Fiske

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