Over 30 applicants applied for the newly created position of Facilities Manager for the town of Marion. The Marion Board of Selectmen agreed at their meeting on Tuesday evening to form a subcommittee to review and winnow the applicants to a smaller number for consideration for the position.
“I’m pleased that we’ve had such a great number of applicants,” said Selectman Jody Dickerson.
Dickerson was voted to be on the subcommittee, representing the BOS along with Town Administrator Paul Dawson and Gene Jones, Facility Manager for the ORR School District. The subcommittee will cull through the applicant pool and present less than 10 applicants for discussion with the BOS at a future meeting.
“Hopefully, we’ll get it down to five soon,” said Dawson.
Pamela Marean, a successful grant writer hired by the town of Marion over a year ago, came before the Marion Board of Selectmen with a request for approval to pursue a grant worth up to $500,000 for a GIS mapping system tied in with surrounding towns. The proposed grant would overlay assessors maps with open space, wetlands, historic districts, zoning, elevation, flood zone information and pretty much tell a resident a great deal about a parcel of land.
Marean discussed the grant and answered questions about it with the Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator Paul Dawson. At issue was getting a spearhead person at Town Hall who could work with Marean on the huge project.
“We’re all busy and out straight,” said Dawson, who intimated that it would be difficult to find someone who had any time to devote to such a large and ongoing project.
After feedback from Dawson regarding ownership of the massive project, the BOS decided to have Marean move slightly forward by attending a SRPEDD meeting scheduled for next week and getting back to them with her findings.
In other business, the Board approved the transfer of an all-alcohol retail package goods license from Marion Country Package Store, Inc. to ICJ Corporation. The new owners are residents of Marion and own another package store in Bedford, Mass. The complex purchased includes tenants Rose & Vicki’s and Marion Re-Con, who plan to remain tenants in the complex.
“We’re glad to see local residents owning this Marion complex,” said Selectman Dickerson.
Two one-day all-alcohol licenses were approved for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2425 for a spaghetti dinner on September 14 from 12:00 to 5:00 pm and a Tri-Town Republican Committee on September 21 from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.
The BOS, who are also the Water and Sewer Commissioners for the town, approved several financial commitments of $700 for New Services, $2,286.61 for Miscellaneous Sewer Issues and $9,777.43 for Final Readings.
Two additional one-day all-alcohol licenses were approved for the Marion Social Club for a steak dinner on September 22 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm and a clambake on October 20 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm.
A roof replacement quote for the Perry Hill facility was discussed and approved, with the order to proceed with the work.
A water leak/road repair at 24 Rezendes Terrace was discussed. At issue was a private road, built by a contractor many years ago, with utilities owned by the town. A leak, only assessable by going under a road to find a water turn-off valve, resulted in an excessive water leak and road repair.
Two candidates were proposed for the Marion Cultural Council and the Conservation Committee, and the BOS discussed the applications and wanted to meet the candidates – if possible –before taking a vote to approve the positions.
In final words, Jon Henry spoke in tribute to C.J. Heberd, who passed away last week.
“He was a friend to a lot of people downtown and a great neighbor to so many,” said Henry. “He’d fix your lawn mower, your antique car, shovel snow for you and fixed the clock on the tower of the First Congregational Church of Marion … He was a handy guy who could and would fix anything. We lost a true Marion neighbor and we’ll miss him … that’s all I have to say,” Henry concluded.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry