Once again, residents from the Village at Mattapoisett condominium cluster housing site came before the Mattapoisett Planning Board with their petition to have the covenant for the complex modified. The issue was trash.
Daniel Deluz, a condominium resident and association spokesman, was accompanied at the August 3 meeting by approximately 25 other residents to once again air their request that trash collection should be provided by the Town.
Deluz read from the latest contract ABC Disposal has with the Town of Mattapoisett which reads, “…all persons residing in the town shall be entitled…” to public trash collection.
He reminded the board that the residents in the complex are also taxpayers, paying for such things as public schools, despite not having any children residing in the condos.
“In 2014, we paid $141,000 in taxes…. We don’t want roads or plowing … we want trash collection.” Deluz continued to express his outrage that many private roads and residences throughout town were enjoying town-supplied trash removal, but that his complex could not. Deluz said, “We understand we have a covenant, but we think it is no longer valid.”
Currently, the residents are abiding by the contract they signed when purchasing units in this complex, paying $9,000 per year for ABC to pick up their trash and recyclables. But Deluz said, “I don’t think it will cost the town anything if they pick up ours.”
Noting a conversation he said he had with Selectman Jordan Collyer, Deluz said, “He was surprised we are paying for trash,” and Deluz said Collyer had directed him to speak with Town Administrator Michael Gagne.
Before the public was invited to voice their opinion, Planning Board Chairman Tom Tucker apologized for not having a full five-member board available to vote on their request. Deluz opted to continue the hearing, rather than have only four members vote, not wishing to chance a negative result.
Paul Osenkowski, a resident, voiced his concern that to allow this request would be heading towards a “slippery slope,” noting the possibility that maybe, in the future, they would be asking for snow plowing and road maintenance.
“Cluster housing was approved by Town Meeting,” said Osenkowski. “The Planning Board is a judicial board.” He said changes such as these should “come from Town Meeting.” He claimed the Planning Board could not hear Deluz’s request.
Tucker said, “We’ll confer with town counsel.”
Osenkowski stated, “We’ve already seen things pushed through with large numbers of people…” but he got cut off before he could finish when condominium resident Connie Johnson asked him, “How does this affect you?” Osenkowski asked Tucker to inform Johnson on public hearing protocol to direct her question to the chairman and not directly to him.
“I’m a taxpayer, too!” said Osenkowski. This prompted a vocal response from the group, nearly drowning out Tucker has he tried to regain control of the meeting. Several turned and asked Osenkowski for his name.
Planning Board member Mary Crain responded to Osenkowski’s inquiry regarding the proper venue for Deluz’s request. She said, “The Planning Board sets conditions so we can consider the request.”
Tucker assured the group that he would follow-up with town counsel, and Deluz’s request for another continuance was granted.
As the large group departed, several residents took down Osenkowski’s name and address from the sign-in sheet.
After their collective departure, Osenkowski thanked Tucker for controlling the crowd saying, “I don’t come here to be attacked.” Tucker thanked Osenkowski for his participation.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for August 17 at 7:00 pm in the Mattapoisett Town Hall conference room.
By Marilou Newell