On January 28, as three members of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission prepared to hear two cases, it was clear from the agenda that it could have been a long meeting. But with eight cases on the agenda being continued until February 11, those two remaining cases were quickly dispatched.
The two cases in question had already been before the commission during the previous meeting. However, because the engineering office handling those two cases advised their clients and abutters that the meeting began at 7:30 pm versus 6:30 pm, it was incumbent upon the commission to hear those cases again.
First up was a Notice of Intent application filed by Michael Smith for property located at 6 Whaler’s Way. Smith, represented again by Robert Field of Field Engineering, proposes the construction of a building addition to renovate an existing porch and deck. Field said that the property was located in a flood plain subject to stormwater flow and therefore the construction would consist of breakaway siding to allow such flow to pass under the structure.
There was some question of whether or not tree trimming and clearing along a property line fell under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission when an abutter presented a concern. But commission Chairman Michael King said that since the trees were not part of a wetland system, the commission would not have jurisdiction. He suggested that consultation with the tree warden and developing a line of communication between the neighbors could resolve those questions.
Field said the project would not increase the size of the residential footprint when asked if the addition would increase the home’s size.
Hearing no other comments from the public, the commission conditioned the project allowing it to move forward.
Also coming before the commission once again was another project represented by Field, Edwin Fernandes’ Notice of Intent filing for 0 Brandt Beach Road.
This filing, Field explained, was an attempt on the part of the applicants to demonstrate that the property could secure the necessary permissions for the construction of a single-family home. He said that currently the lot is undeveloped, but did include a sewer stub that could be tied-in to the public sewer system in the future.
When asked how common a practice it was for property owners to invest in speculative permits in order to market undeveloped parcels, King said that it was fairly common but might not appear as such, given that conceptual structural drawings were submitted.
Having reviewed the filing this second time, the commission again granted an Order of Conditions. Field said the next step for the applicants was to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Conservation Agent Liz Lieldhold reported that property located at 0 Mattapoisett Neck Road owned by Vermette Development, LLC would be coming before the commission during the February 11 meeting, and that she and the engineer, SITEC, Inc., had achieved a consensus on wetlands flagging.
Also planned for the February 11 meeting are five Requests for Determination of Applicability for lots located along Split Road Lane in the Preserve at Bay Club, and one Notice of Intent filing for the extension of Split Road Lane.
The Mattapoisett Land Trust’s RDA application for the development of nature trails within the Hammond Quarry was also rescheduled for that time.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conversation Commission is scheduled for February 11 at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall conference room.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell