Town boards often have very long agendas with complicated petitions and applications, but every now and then they catch a break.
Such was the case on the evening of June 20 when the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) met. Sitting at the conference table on this night was Susan Akin, chairman; Ken Pacheco; Colby Rottler; Maryanne Brogan; Tony Tranfaglia; and Administrative Assistant to the Director of Inspectional Services, Robin Shufelt.
The meeting kicked off promptly at 6:00 pm.
Coming before the ZBA was William Mitchell, 5 Depot Street, who sought a Special Permit as provided in the bylaws to construct a covered porch. Mitchell explained that rotting boards around an existing side entranceway was the impetus to making more comprehensive exterior improvements. He explained that existing non-conforming set-backs would be significantly impacted by the porch. The porch addition would only mean an additional 24-inches.
By 6:10 pm the board members had concurred that the renovations would be an improvement to the structure and maybe more importantly, as Rottler stated, “it makes sense.” The Special Permit was approved.
Next up was another request for a Special Permit filed by Thomas Jackivicz and Pamela Pierce, 50 Holly Woods Road. Their request included demolition of an existing garage and the construction of a new garage. The board members were satisfied that the new structure would not impact set-backs and, given that this was part of a much larger renovation taking place on the lot to the 1959 home, was in keeping with the neighborhood and the homeowners’ needs. A second floor in the garage was planned for storage only.
At 6:18 pm the board moved to approve. At 6:20 pm the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett ZBA is scheduled for July 18 at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall conference room.
Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals
By Marilou Newell