Mattapoisett’s Conservation Commission caught an easy agenda for their January 28 meeting, which turned out to be beneficial since only three of the five commissioners were available to attend.
First up was a Notice of Intent to build a new septic system at 6 Aucoot Road, filed by MSMF Property Group, LLC. The leach pit located on the property where the home is being renovated failed when tested. The plan submitted by Collins Civil Engineering Group includes filling and crushing the failed system and construction of a membrane-lined leach pit.
Conservation Commission Chairman Bob Rogers pointed out that the property could be tied into the public sewer system versus building a new septic system, an option he called “better for the property and the environment.” He requested that the applicant provide more thorough documentation as to why his suggestion could not be acted upon. The applicant asked for a continuance until February 8.
Next up was another Notice of Intent filed by Norma Klein, 4 Indian Avenue. The application is for the demolition of an existing one-car garage and construction of a new two-car garage and various landscaping improvements. The commission approved a standard Order of Conditions.
A continuance was heard from a previous public hearing for the NOI filed by Jeffrey and Lauren Jordan, 4 North Street, for the construction of a 400-square foot patio, a new 580-square foot covered patio, and new dormers for the roof of the house. Representing Charon and Associates, Carmelo Nicolosi provided the commission with an updated plan of record that detailed the limits of work and stormwater runoff management. A standard Order of Conditions was approved.
Nicolosi also represented Blue Wave LLC for the solar array project scheduled for construction on Crystal Spring Road. He presented the commission with a revised plan of record that included a grass strip through the center of the array to allow for emergency vehicle assess.
Environmental Agent Liz Leidhold reported that the Buzzards Bay Coalition was seeking the support of the commission for a land acquisition from Howard Tinkham and family.
The 114-acre land acquisition would be a joint partnership between the Towns of Mattapoisett and Fairhaven in the heart of the Mattapoisett River watershed with 3,700 feet of frontage on the river itself. The parcel also abuts town well No. 3.
Leidhold explained that Mattapoisett’s Water and Sewer Department would own the land. The commissioners agreed to support the project, with Rogers noting, “This is another nice piece of land for watershed protection – that is our role.”
Regarding Phase 1B of the bike and pedestrian path, Rogers said the Department of Environmental Protection would be holding a public meeting at the site on Goodspeed Island on February 4 at 10:00 am to review the appeal of a Request for Determination of Applicability approved by the Conservation Commission. The appeal was filed by abutters Daniel DaRosa and Tony Campbell.
CLE Engineering will represent the town as it defends its Negative 3 (Notice of Intent not required) decision of December 14 that would have allowed test borings as mandated by the Department of Transportation, part of a long list of requirements the town has been working through over the past several years.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for February 8 at 6:30 pm in the Mattapoisett Town Hall conference room.
By Marilou Newell