The December 12 meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission was one of those rare occasions when a municipal board gets to hear from the youth in the community. Coming before the commission on this night was Boy Scout Murray Copps to discuss his Eagle project.
Copps has secured permission from various private-property owners, whose holdings include marshlands, to install bird boxes for Tree Swallows.
Marshy areas are the species’ preferred nesting site. Copps said that the birds feed on mosquitos, which carry Eastern Equine Encephalitis (“Triple E.”) He went on to say that Tree Swallows are a bird species “in decline,” his point being that the establishment of nesting boxes not only helps the birds but us as well.
Conservation Commission Chairman Mike King called it a great project and good idea, while noting that the commission appreciated learning about the project but that permissions were not necessary, as long as the property owners gave permission. “This falls under wildlife enhancement,” he pointed out.
Copps said the plan is to install approximately 12 boxes 40 feet apart while standing 5 feet above the marshes. He said the project will be completed by mid-January.
In other business, a Notice of Intent filed by McGrath Realty Trust, 0 Cove Street, for the construction of a gravel parking area was continued until January 9. Bob Field of Field Engineering, representing the McGraths, was asked to submit a formalized plan that included the removal of boulders and a remediation planting plan.
Three certificates of compliance were issued to Armand Cortellesso, Brandt Point Road Builders LLC. Cortellesso will receive the signed releases after confirmation by the commission’s agent that site clean-up and proper positioning of wetlands signage has taken place.
An After the Fact Request for Determination of Applicability filed by John Romanelli, 15 Howard Beach, received a negative determination.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, January 9, at 6:30 pm.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell