The current signs on Planting Island Beach say “No Dogs Allowed,” but that was inaccurate, according to the Marion Town Bylaws and confirmed by the Marion Conservation Commission at their meeting on Wednesday evening. Four new signs, stating “No Dogs Allowed on Beach May 1-Oct. 1” will be made and installed at Planting Island.
The board tackled various agenda items including a Request for Determination of Applicability for the Moore Marion Trust II of 470 Point Rd. to upgrade a septic system. The property was to be sold and the closing date was the next day, Thursday.
The applicant was represented by Richard Schaefer, of Schaefer & Kunz of Mattapoisett.
Mr. Schaefer discussed the request and noted that it was a repair of an existing septic system. At issue was that the leaching field is located in flood Zone X, while the three-bedroom home is located in a velocity zone of AE.
“This is a repair,” said Schaefer. Noting that there was nothing on the submitted plans showing the property line and the proposed new septic system, the board agreed that the abutter needed to be protected, along with the isolated wetland on the property.
The board reviewed the plans and approved the request with several conditions. The applicant must show the property line, where the new septic system will be installed, so that no trench work or disturbance will occur on the abutter’s property. The old system must be disposed of and filled in according to the Board of Health conditions. And, because there is an existing isolated wetland on the property, erosion control of hay bales must be installed to protect the wetland area.
Next up was a Notice of Intent for a pier to be built on Dexter Road by applicant Kathleen Mahoney. The pier would be built across the road from, and associated with house No. 40. The applicant is proposing to construct a 4-by-133-foot long timber boardwalk and pier, a 3-by-20-foot long gangway, and a 10-by-20-foot gangway, and a 10-by-20-foot float supported by four pilings.
The board considered the proposal but had questions regarding the impact on shellfish in the area. The Department of Environmental Protection suggested that work being done on this type of construction should have boats/barges be two and a half feet above the water during construction. The order has construction happening two hours before high tide and two hours after high tide. The committee continued the hearing until May 22 at 7:45 pm to hear from the applicant.
The board approved the purchase of fencing, up to $1,000 in cost, to be purchased by the Marion Department of Public Works, from unused Conservation Commission budget funds for use at the Sprague’s Cove Project (Silvershell Beach Storm Water Management).
Lastly, the board agreed to a request by Anne Hatton, of 183 Front St., who is reconstructing the garage, to keep the foundation dewatering hole pump to irrigate the lawn. In essence, the gravel under the home has an existing pipe that captures rainwater and a pump that is used to irrigate the property.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry