Thirty years ago, friends and business partners Steve Napolitano and Ralph Cotellesso purchased lots along Brandt Island Road. After developing one of the three lots with a single-family home now listed as 126 Brandt Island Road, Napolitano said soon after “the economy tanked.”
Time passed and the partners tried again in the early 1990s to develop the remaining two lots. However, the Board of Health did not approve septic plans and an issue of a stream running between the lots presented other problems, Napolitano explained. The pair withdrew plans and the years passed.
On December 9, they were once again rolling out concepts on how they wished to develop the two lots when the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission met.
Napolitano said that modern-day septic technology would most likely make it possible to secure building and BOH permits for the lots. He said they needed to secure permission from the commission to cross jurisdictional wetlands in order to perc test the uplands portions of the lots. He also said that recently the properties had been delineated.
Commission Chairman Mike King said that the property owners had the right to cross their land to access uplands and suggested that they file a Request for Determination of Applicability to do so. He said that such activity could be conditioned and that this was the best time of the year to perform such testing.
The informal meeting concluded with Cotellesso, saying they wanted to do everything by the book and thanked the commission for its assistance.
Earlier in the meeting, James and Joanella Cannell, 3 Water Street, received a Negative determination (no Notice of Intent [NOI] required) on their RDA filing for the conversion of a porch space into 8-by-12 feet of living space. Also receiving a Negative determination was Alan Meyers and Barbara Attianese, 26 Silvershell Avenue, to replace an existing sunroom and two deck spaces with a new deck structure.
An NOI filed by Samuel and Diane Kinney, 107 County Road, was heard by representative and engineer Doug Schneider. Schneider said his clients planned to construct a new garage after removing existing carports and other outbuildings. The project would also require the extension and improvement of an existing driveway. He said that the entire lot is within the riverfront area of Pine Island Brook. After assuring the commissioners that the project met the performance standards for construction in the riverfront location, the project was approved and conditioned.
Continued until February 10 was an NOI filed by the Mattapoisett Land Trust and Georgia Glick, Noyes Avenue and Dyar Road, for the removal of invasive species, and an RDA filed by Jesse Davidson, 22 Pine Island Road, for changes to an existing plan of record. Also continued was a request for a Certificate of Compliance filed by Alexandar Makkas, 16 Island View Avenue.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for December 23 at 6:30 pm in the Mattapoisett Town Hall conference room.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell