During the January 12 meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission, Environmental Agent Elizabeth Leidhold reported that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection was appealing the commission’s December 12 decision that approved the test borings at the bike path site.
At that December meeting, the commissioners had issued an Order of Conditions to the Mattapoisett Bike Path Committee for test borings, another technical step being mandated by the Department of Transportation on Phase 1B of the bike path. These tests are required by the DOT before the committee can receive the state’s approval to move forward into engineered drawings for a pedestrian bridge over sensitive wetlands abutting Goodspeed Island.
The objective of the borings is to confirm the presence of bedrock along the proposed length of the bridge to ensure a solid base for pilings. Previous borings were felt to be insufficient by the DOT.
Speaking against the town’s application at the December meeting were several abutters airing their concerns that more studies should be mandated before test borings are approved. Through their attorney, they filed a lengthy document.
At that time, Conservation Commission Chairman Bob Rogers acknowledged that the commission’s issuance of conditions for testing would most likely be appealed to the DEP. Leidhold confirmed the appeal at the January 12 meeting.
Abutter Daniel DaRosa, a resident on Goodspeed Island, filed the appeal with the DEP.
Without further comment on this night, Rogers noted that most likely there would be further public hearings on this matter.
In another matter, Leidhold told the commissioners that Seabreeze resident Robin Lapore had approached her regarding a desire on the part of residents in the subdivision to have a dock constructed on the edge of Eel Pond. Lapore was requesting a meeting with Leidhold to discuss the matter and to receive feedback from the agent on the best place to position a dock.
Rogers said, “They should get a consultant or environmental engineer should be engaged; this is not our role.” He concluded, “If anything, we’d be discouraging a dock.”
Earlier in the evening, the commission approved an Order of Conditions for an application filed by Jeffrey Jordan, 4 North Street, for the construction of a covered patio.
The commission also issued an Order of Conditions to Sara Gowing, 1 Avenue A, for the replacement of an existing seawall.
They also met with Nils Johnson, proprietor of The Inn On Shipyard Park, for rehabilitation work. The scope of work is the demolition of the existing porch, slight expansion of the footprint, and a level entrance from the new porch to the interior of the inn. Johnson received a negative determination on his Request for Determination of Applicability application, meaning a Notice of Intent for the project is not required.
A Certificate of Compliance was issued to Dean Whitla, 68 Fairhaven Road, for work associated with a septic system replacement.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for January 25 at 6:30 pm in the Mattapoisett Town Hall conference room.
By Marilou Newell