Density Bylaw Headed for Public Hearing

State zoning bylaws now allow greater flexibility to lots previously merged and/or meeting square-footage requirements, and the emerging potential of lots being considered buildable for multi-unit occupation has members of the Mattapoisett Planning Board concerned.

            During the board’s September 16 public meeting in which both ADU (additional dwelling units) and family-related apartments were discussed, hopes were expressed to ensure that zoning bylaws do not end up with homes being shoehorned onto lots.

            “Someone could buy land and build rental units,” that might not be desirable in some locations, stated board member Willam Wennerburg.

            “It could change the character of the town,” Chairman Tom Tucker commented.

            To that end, Mattapoisett Town Planner Victoria Alfaro has been developing language that the board will eventually bring to Town Meeting for consideration.

            After further discourse, the board decided to set a date for a public hearing to get public comment that may ultimately be incorporated into updated zoning bylaws. October 21 is the proposed date that will be posted. More details to follow in a public notice.

            It was noted, however, that the likelihood of the town foregoing a Fall Town Meeting is high, thereby pushing voters’ consideration of such zoning changes until the Spring 2025 Annual Town Meeting.

            Concerns over the development of 0 and 7 Holly Woods Road by Colin LaBrie were aired when Chris Vandenberge of Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. said that clearing had begun on the property. It was questioned by an abutter and the board as to whether or not the Conservation Commission had permitted the work taking place.

            “I’d call conservation tomorrow and tell them what’s going on,” Tucker said.

            LaBrie’s request for a decision on the development and associated covenant had been approved prior to the Planning Board being made aware of site activities.

            In other matters, Scott Snow’s subdivision known as Eldridge Estates received reinstatement of the plan, an extension on the time to complete the project, and agreement of a $48,000 cash surety in lieu of two lots being held.

            The board voted to use 20 hours of Municipal Assistance from SRPEDD to update the town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for Monday, October 7, at 7:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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