Rochester’s Planning Board Tuesday endorsed one Approval Not Required application for a proposed house lot at 0 High St. but extended the hearing for three other lots that are part of the same project after the developer’s representative refused to accept the condition the panel wanted to place on those parcels.
For lots six, seven, and eight along Forbes Road, the board wanted to add the condition that these parcels be stamped ‘non-buildable’ because they lay too close to the Connet Woods housing development and might need to adhere to covenants and rules of that development’s Homeowners Association. This, board members said, would require discussion and a meeting of the minds between the two projects.
Project engineer Brian Wallace, who attended the meeting via Zoom, said he disagreed with adding this condition. He said the design of these house lots will not change from what is being presented.
David Arancio, a trustee of the Connet Woods Homeowners Association, started the conversation by noting these lots are so close to Connet Woods that it would become part of the Connet development without having to adhere to its special rules and restrictions. Board member Ben Bailey advised Wallace that it would be easier for him and the board to accept the condition. Wallace said he preferred a continuance to the next meeting instead but also that “more discussion needs to happen.”
Arancio said he was disheartened to hear push back from Wallace rather than allowing the attorneys for the project and the town to get together and find common ground.
The hearing for the three single-family dwellings with attached garage on two-acre lots that will utilize pieces of neighboring cranberry bogs was continued to January 14, 2025.
In other action, the board reviewed a Site Plan Review application filed by Eversource for a new substation interconnecting generation facilities at 214 Rounsville Road. Eversource representative Heather Sykes said this is an upgrade that will help meet the town’s future energy goals and improve utility service. The board continued this hearing until January 14 to give the town’s consulting engineer, Ken Motta, time to review and comment on the plan.
The board conducted public hearings on the bylaw amendments proposed for the January 28 Special Town Meeting.
The board recommended approval of proposed changes to Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic Installation regulations that strengthen the conditions for adequate screening and a proposal for new battery storage systems regulations.
The board added language to the bylaw amendment proposal adding rules for short-term rentals. The Planning Board will be charged with granting a Special Permit for any property owners who wish to operate a short-term rental.
The board also considered favorably proposals to eliminate use variances and add a new section to the Agricultural Land Residential District to address the state’s new accessory dwelling unit regulations.
The Rochester Planning Board’s next meeting will be Tuesday, January 14 at 7:00 pm at Town Hall, 1 Constitution Way.
Rochester Planning Board
By Michael J. DeCicco