Council on Aging Adds New Board Member

The Rochester Council on Aging added a new board member after the Board of Selectmen unanimously voted at their regular meeting on Monday, September 10 in Town Hall.  Beverly Brewer is the Council’s newest member.

In other news, Town Administrator Richard LaCamera commended the Rochester Country Fair Committee for holding a successful event this year at their new location on Pine Street.

“The Country Fair went extremely well,” said LaCamera. “There were no issues.”

LaCamera informed the Board that he met with the Capital Planning Committee to discuss potential improvements to Town Hall. He said a list of priorities will be presented at the Board’s next meeting.

LaCamera also met with the Park Commission to follow up on some previous discussions about budget issues and use of town facilities. The two parties discussed private companies’ use of town facilities and a universal decision as not reached.

“There seems to be mixed feelings about it,” said LaCamera.

However, an area where the two parties saw more clarity was the topic of budget. Previously, there was confusion as to how much the Park Commission had in their bank account, but LaCamera said $10,000 from the beach sticker account will be given to the Commission so the funds available to the commission is no longer a mystery.

“They need to understand this money is going to last them two to three years,” said LaCamera. “We seem to be on the right track again.”

The Council on Aging is seeking volunteers to be on their Accreditation Committee. An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 13 at 2:30 pm at the Senior Center on Dexter Lane.

The Rochester Board of Selectmen will meet again on Monday, September 17 at 7:00 pm in Rochester Town Hall.

By Katy Fitzpatrick

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