The Marion Conservation Commission meeting on August 11 was brief, with one public hearing continued until the next meeting as requested by the applicant. Still, the commission quickly dispensed with one Notice of Intent to install a propane tank filed by a fellow ConCom member Jeff Doubrava.
The NOI for Jeffrey Doubrava Revocable Trust and Elizabeth Doubrava Revocable Trust sought to install an underground propane tank within the flood zone and 100 feet of the coastal bank at 47 East Avenue.
Doubrava recused himself as vice chair, filling in for Chair Shaun Walsh, the latter absent from the August 11 meeting, and ConCom member Cynthia Callow presided over the Doubrava hearing.
The work will include digging a hole, pouring a concrete slab for the tank to rest on anchored by bolts, and then backfilling the hole with sand. The commission performed a site visit the Saturday before the meeting and deemed the location the most reasonable for the tank.
The commission did not vote on a decision on August 11 but continued the hearing until August 25 to allow for anyone unable to dial into the fully remote meeting to do so then.
Also during the short meeting, the commission addressed an NOI filed by Jeffrey and Elizabeth Roy to eradicate the phragmites at 25 Holly Road. The hearing was continued until August 25 as the applicant awaits a filing number from the state Department of Environmental Protection.
The Request for a Determination of Applicability filed by Sippican Lands Trust was continued until September 8 at the applicant’s request.
The next meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, August 25, at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
Marion Conservation Commission
By Jean Perry
Question for ConCom: how could you approve a private dock in Wings Cove that renders the public boat ramp inaccessible??? Outrageous!