ConCom Hears from Peer Review

            On May 24, the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission heard from peer review consultant Jonathan Niro of BETA regarding their review and technical study of the proposed solar array off Randall Lane planned by Randall Lane, LLC. The project, as designed, will have 800 panels spread over a 28-acre site producing 7.5 megawatts of electric energy. The site is being developed by SunRaise Investments of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

            Niro spoke to two letters that have been submitted to the commission and the Planning Board from his office outlining a variety of issues primarily centered around the exact location of wetlands and other jurisdictional areas, and the width of the access road.

            Niro said that a great number of the issues raised by his team had been addressed by the applicant’s engineering firm, Beals & Thomas, to BETA’s satisfaction. However, a major sticking point is the absence of a boundary survey for the three lots that make up the site. He said that, normally, boundary surveys come before any permissions are granted to the applicants. Eric Las of Beals $ Thomas, the applicant’s representative, indicated that this client wanted to get a sense of whether the project might receive permission before making the investment in an expensive boundary survey.

            Las confirmed that some 88 acres of the property owned by Randall Lane, LLC will go into conservation restriction with the Buzzards Bay Coalition agreeing to be the holders of the restriction.

            Conservation Commission Chairman Mike King said that, given the amount of data the volunteer commission and part-time agent had to digest for this project, time would be needed. For now, he was satisfied with the initial presentation. He also noted that the commission needs to confirm that the Fire Department has sanctioned the access roadway at 16 feet versus the traditional 20-foot requirement. The review was continued to June 14.

            Also coming before the commission was William Clapp for property off of Mattapoisett Neck Road. Represented by David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon, & Leone Inc., Davignon said his client merely wants to cut down some invasive phragmites so that the property could be used as a seasonal family campsite.

            Abutter Michelle Gregoire was against any cutting of vegetation, saying it was helping to stabilize the coastal bank, barrier beach, and associated dunes. Davignon said there would not be any removal of root systems, simply the cutting of some areas to allow for recreational use of the property. The Notice of Intent application was continued until June 14.

            In other business, a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Rebecca Sears, 165 Acushnet Road, for the construction of a garage received a negative determination, as did Tom Jackviez’s RDA for property located at 17 Third Street for the installation of a kayak rake.

            Two Request to Amend NOIs, one filed by Craig and Elaine Bovaird, 26R Pine Island Road, and another from Andrew and Sarah Bishins, 20 Winnatuxett Road, were approved.

            An NOI filed by Stephen Baptista, 6 Perkins Lane, received conditioning for the removal of dead trees. Also approved was a Request to Amend an NOI submitted by Steve Goulson, 27 Nashawena.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, June 14, at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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