ConCom Continues Two ANRADs

            The Rochester Conservation Commission meeting on July 16 was relatively routine with several approvals and a couple continuances for the public hearings for two Abbreviated Notice of Determination of Applicability (ANRAD) applications for two lots with the potential for solar array fields.

            The first ANRAD filed by Joe Harrison, SunRaise Investments LLC, for property located at 0 Braley Hill Road, is to confirm 2,900 linear feet of the bordering vegetated wetland boundary. The property owners are Lisa Holden, Trustee, Aquidneck Nominee Trust and Ann Poland.

            Evan Watson from Prime Engineering performed some quick adjustments to the application at the request of Chairman Michael Conway, then went into some details about the topography of the land and its jurisdiction of the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program (NHESP).

            Watson explained that at this point he does not need to file with the NHESP until an actual project is proposed for the site.

            Conservation Agent Laurell Farinon asked the commission to continue the public hearing until August 20 to allow her time to walk the expansive wetland line to inspect the flagging and then address any subsequent modifications and adjustments that could result from the inspection.

            The second ANRAD filed by SunRaise Investments LLC, for property located at 0 Featherbed Laneis to confirm 5,423 linear feet of bordering vegetated wetland boundary. The property owners are Bradford D. and Ruth C. Correia.

            Farinon again asked to continue this similar application until August 20 given the length of the wetland line to be inspected.

            In other matters, the commission gave a Negative determination (no Notice of Intent filing required) for a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Hartley Beach Trust care of Patricia Corwin for 90 Snow’s Pond Road. The purpose is to improve and maintain the existing driveway by adding gravel fill to even out the surface and fill potholes. Farinon called it a “pretty straightforward project.”

            The commission approved an RDA filed by Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority for 45 Kings Highway for the relocation of the existing lead track into the building, the installation of a switch and second track into the building, installation of two tracks with bumping posts out the back of the building to the edge of the paved area, and the relocation of the existing mainline crossover to the west of the facility.

            Farinon said she found no issues with the delineation of the wetlands line and added, “I think it was well done,” finding no impacts to nearby wetlands.

            The commission approved an Order of Conditions for the Notice of Intent filed by Nicholas Araujo for property located at Old Schoolhouse Road to construct a single-family house with the proposed house, well, and septic system located outside the 100-foot wetlands buffer zone. Some grading within the buffer zone will be required as part of the installation of the septic leaching area. Minimal tree clearing is proposed within the buffer zone behind the dwelling to provide a yard area. A small trench will be dug for the installation of electrical conduit located down the center of the existing driveway and backfilled to existing grades. Erosion control measures will be implemented.

            A representative from Farland Corporation explained some changes to the original plan submitted onJune 18, including the addition of a masonry stone and wood fence and some further clearing of some pine trees to then be replaced with new maple and elm trees.

            Farinon said the applicant had addressed the concerns from the prior meeting – a trench for an electricity line and the removal of a stockpile at the driveway entrance.

            “Those were really the outstanding issues,” said Farinon. Furthermore, she stated, the RDA provides a “realistic yard area,” as she put it, “Which I think is great. This is realistic as far as having enough usable area around the house.” She then added, “I think you’ve done a good job showing … a better picture of what the project is and how those wetlands will be protected.”

            The pubic hearing for an Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD) filed by SWEB Development USA, LLC for property located on 0 Marion Road to confirm 3,850 linear feet of bordering vegetated wetland boundary was continued until August 6 at the request of the applicant. The property owner is Rochester Farms, LLC.

            The next meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission is scheduled for August 6 at 7:00 pm at the Rochester Town Hall.

Rochester Conservation Commission

By Jean Perry

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