The members of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission breezed through five public hearings in 30 minutes on June 25.
First up was a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Kenneth Yokel for property located at 94 Fairhaven Road. After handing over a thick stack of abutter notifications, affectionately referred to as “green cards” by the commission, the applicant’s request for permission to pave an existing gravel driveway received a Negative Determination (no Notice of Intent required). The Yokels had previously sought and received guidance from the commission on best practices during the paving phase in harmony with the Wetlands Protection Act.
Dan Bungert filed a Notice of Intent application for property located off River Bend Lane. Carmelo Nicolosi of Charon Associates, Inc., represented Bungert as he discussed the construction of a single-family home with driveway planned for construction. Nicolosi shared that a percolation test had been completed in 2009, that erosion controls were planned during the construction, and Conservation Agent Elizabeth Leidhold had confirmed the wetland flagging. One small blip in the hearing surfaced when it was learned that the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program office had not yet responded to a request for their input on construction impact to wildlife in the area. The hearing was continued until July 9 awaiting their response.
Jon Connell of Field Engineering representing Manuel Palomo, 117 Mattapoisett Neck Road, came before the commission with a Notice of Intent filing for the construction of a garage. Palomo received permission with the issuance of standard conditions.
A Request For Determination of Applicability filed for Susan Fine, 20 Silver Shell Avenue, for the installation of a concrete block patio space received a Negative Determination.
And last item on the easy-breezy agenda was a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Peter and Ellen Fitzpatrick, 21 Shore View Avenue, to increase the footprint of an existing pilings by four inches to accommodate a small structural change to the home received a Negative 3 Determination.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for July 9 at 6:30 pm in the town hall conference room.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell