Committee Must Not Slow Process

            The Mattapoisett Select Board took up the matter of establishing a new committee to “review and comment” in an advisory capacity on the Department of Transportation village streets reconstruction project, a TIP-funded project.

            At the Annual Town Meeting held on May 13, public opinion on whether or not the board should consider an advisory committee was favored by the majority of voters. The concept of such a committee was borne of frustration on the part of members of the Tree Committee who believed they were not being included or properly informed on the proposed roadway-reconstruction project.

            On this night, Select Board member Tyler Macallister said he would express his opinion on forming a committee after the June 18 meeting being held by the state Department of Transportation but was not supportive if it caused the project, which is well underway from a design standpoint, to be slowed down. Member Jordan Collyer said he supports a “thoughtful committee.”

            A letter received from the state agency noted the reason for the meeting was to give the town an opportunity to acquaint itself with the proposed Corridor Improvement Project and related work on Main Street, Water Street, Beacon Street and Marion Road. It goes on to say that, “All views and comments made at the meeting will be reviewed and considered to the maximum extent possible.”

            Highway Surveyor Garrett Bauer was invited to join the Select Board in discussing the types of professional backgrounds and expertise candidates for the committee should hold. He said committee members should represent the entire community, not just a single location. He, too, expressed that the committee should not negatively impact the pace of the project, now at the critical 20% design completion point.

            Robin Peach asked that the Select Board give prospective committee members some type of idea on time investment. Collyer speculated that there 18 to 24 months will pass before design is complete.

            The board asked that interested residents submit a letter of interest with their resumes to the board before June 18. The matter will be taken up again at the Select Board’s next meeting on June 11.

            Before moving on in the agenda, Mike Rosa stated that he had “full confidence and faith” in the board.

            In other matters, the Select Board reorganized, setting Collyer as chairman, Macallister as vice-chairman and Jodi Bauer as clerk. They also voted to adopt Massachusetts General Law Chapter 90B, Section 12, granting police personnel the right to patrol the waterways of Mattapoisett.

            The board voted to use $24,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for technology upgrades. The board declared the Council on Aging’s 2016 Ford E350 vehicle as surplus.

            A seasonal trailer permit was granted to Patricia and Gregory Bartlett for 0 Silvershell Avenue for August 2, 3, 9, 10, 24, 25, 30, 31 and September 1, 2, 6 and 7.

            Janice Robbins was appointed to the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) Joint Transportation and Planning Group, as well as an alternate representative.

            Town Administrator Mike Lorenco advised the public that there are open seats on the Finance Committee and that the Commission on Disability would be rebooted and needs commission members.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, at 6:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Select Board

By Marilou Newell

One Response to “Committee Must Not Slow Process”

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  1. Theresa A Hadley says:

    It appears to me, from the conversations and the tone of those quoted here, that the establishment of a committee is for the purpose of getting people to stop questioning the project. It also appears to me that the majority of the town is very much opposed to the cutting of this huge number of trees for any reason. I am but one of the people who holds that opinion. The trees on the proposed roads are the absolute beauty of these roads and of our town. According to those quoted here, the committee should have no impact on the timing of the project. Therefore, the committee will be for naught. It is an appeasement to get the opposition to go away. It appears clear that they do not intend to listen to anyone or change anything. This is a huge disservice to the people of Mattapoisett. Change is not always progress.

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