Cluster Housing Proposed For Chapel Street

Bill Madden of G.A.F. Engineering, Inc. came before the Mattapoisett Planning Board on April 23 to engage the members and public in an informal discussion of a proposal for cluster housing on Chapel Street off Marion Road.

Known in bylaws as a Special Residential Development (SRD), Madden said his client, David Nicolosi, sought the opportunity to discuss the project before committing additional engineering resources.

Madden’s presentation included two layouts of the 3.65-acre site: one plan with five standard lots, two of which would require massive wetland disruptions; and a second plan that also included five lots, but these lots would be very small compared to standard lot sizes and cluster the five proposed residences all on uplands area, avoiding intrusion into the wetlands.

Madden said the first plan would be a Form A submittal, meaning that existing roadways and frontages would be used. But the second plan included Form C lots, saying it was “…a better project for Mattapoisett,” given that it would offer a different style of homeownership and would not require the filling-in of wetlands.

Madden said the Form C plan would allow home seekers to purchase a smaller, more manageable lot size, potentially of interest to senior citizens looking to downsize. “This creates a different plan you haven’t seen before,” he told the Planning Board members.

Turning to the requirements of SRD bylaws, Madden said the cluster concept met all the criteria and that public water and sewer would service the homes.

Part of the cluster plan Madden described would allow for the gifting of some 2.5 acres to the Mattapoisett Land Trust for permanent conservation protection. He said low impact development practices would be employed.

But Planning Board member Janice Robbins disagreed, saying, “This is not a subdivision; it doesn’t meet the basic requirements.”

Madden countered that when the bylaw was dissected there was a discrepancy under definitions, a discrepancy that the Planning Board could fix. “There’s a little discretion on the part of the Planning Board.”

Planning Board Administrator Mary Crain said town counsel advised that the yield plan could include Form A lots.

“SRD rules can be changed by the Planning Board,” Madden repeated. “This is the better plan, with the least amount of disruption…. Housing is needed in town.”

Robbins pondered, “You have three lots that are buildable right now. The problem I have with the cluster development premise is, is it a better overall development? …Are you premature to go to cluster development before you know whether or not the wet ones (lots) can be developed?” Madden replied that they would have to go through that exercise first.

“This project offers diversity to different age groups,” Madden responded when asked if the housing type wouldn’t be attractive to first-time homeowners versus simply senior citizens downsizing. “The SRD would not be an age-restricted program.”

Robbins remained doubtful that the project could qualify as a cluster development. “The fact that wetlands would not be touched is a positive,” said Robbins, “but basic questions of whether it is a subdivision are there.”

The discussion was tabled for further study.

Also coming before the Planning Board was David Davignon of N. Douglas Schneider & Associates for his client Dennis Arsenault for a proposed two-lot subdivision located at the end of Snow Fields Road. However, before the public hearing could begin, Davignon asked a procedural question: “Do you use the Mullin Rule?”

Davignon asked, with only three Planning Board members in attendance, would absent members be allowed to submit a Mullin affidavit? The affidavit would allow absent member(s) to watch the meeting videotape, study submitted documentation, and while present at the next meeting ask questions.

Saying it was in the best interest of his client, Davignon asked for a continuation, much to the chagrin of the six or so abutters who were in attendance. The continuation was granted until the next Planning Board meeting scheduled for May 7 at 7:00 pm in the town hall conference room.

Mattapoisett Planning Board

By Marilou Newell


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