The action items on the Rochester Planning Board’s April 26 agenda will have to wait until next time.
The board continued until May 10 its hearing into the site-plan-review application for Industrial Tower and Wireless LLC’s proposal for a 190-foot-tall, monopole-style telecommunications tower facility on High Street. Planning Board Chairman Arnold Johnson reported the zoning panel could not take action on the waiver application because the panel lacked a quorum number of members at its last meeting on April 14.
Industrial Tower and Wireless LLC seeks a special permit to reduce the required setback distance of 200 feet from other property lines by 50 percent or to 100 feet. The project’s representatives argued in its initial hearing that the tower would sit on land owned by A.D.Makepeace and the closest adjacent property would be 521 feet away. Abutters in the seats filling the zoning panel’s hearing room have continually rebuffed the developer’s assurances.
The Planning Board also continued until May 10 its hearing into the site-plan review to relocate and install a 5,050 square-foot playground at Countryside Child Care, 565 Rounseville Road. Johnson said this was a request from the project engineer.
The planning panel also set May 10 for the public hearings on two zoning bylaw articles, including one that is a revision of the large-scale solar installation bylaw, that will be on the May 23 Annual Town Meeting warrant. Copies of said articles are available for public view at the Town Hall Annex, 37 Marion Road, Rochester, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
In other business, the Planning Board reappointed Barry Pairaiko as its representative on the Capital Planning Committee. He has been a member of the Capital panel for the past five years.
The Planning Board will reconvene on Tuesday, May 10, at 7:00 pm in the Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School library, 476 North Avenue.
Rochester Planning Board
By Michael J. DeCicco