The Industrial Tower & Wireless Company requested, by letter, that their public hearing with the Mattapoisett Planning Board be continued until the next meeting on June 18. No representatives from the company were present at the meeting on Monday night, June 4, but some abutters of the proposed tower construction – which is near the Aucoot section of town – did attend.
Brad Hathaway, who lives in that area, spoke to the Planning Board about his reservations for the whole project.
“Years ago, there was a plan like this, and the residents of the Aucoot region of town did not support it. It was quite clear that folks in this town do not want cell towers in residential areas. The Planning Board went to Town Meeting and requested that land be set aside for cell towers, in non-residential areas,” Hathaway said. He also said that the Planning Board ended up rejecting the plan altogether.
Chairman Thomas Tucker said that he was not sure of the exact circumstances or specifics behind the previous Planning Board’s decision to reject the tower plan.
“We have two weeks and I will definitely research that town vote,” Tucker said.
Hathaway continued to press his case against the construction of the tower.
“We read the legal advertisement, and it says Marion Road. And Marion Road extends from Ship Street to the Marion town line.. I know how people felt a few years ago, and this new plan goes right into the Aucoot area of town,” he said.
Another abutter, Jack Hillier, wondered why the tower has to be placed 300 feet from his back yard.
“We have gone around and seen other places this company has put up towers. They’re all in industrial zones, not residential areas,” said Hillier.
In addition his issues with the location of the tower, Hillier, like many residents, and the Planning Board, was concerned that the balloon test which was conducted last month was an inadequate demonstration of the visual impact on the landscape, citing the trend for these towers to be outfitted with large antennas and satellite dishes.
The nature of the balloon test itself was also in question. Chairman Tucker indicated that the test was apparently held on a Friday, in the early afternoon, when many of the town residents were not around to observe the test, which was intended to provide the public with an idea of how tall the tower would be. The Planning Board and those residents in attendance agreed that the test was not administered fairly and did not provide the town of Mattapoisett proper opportunity to gauge the scope of the project.
Planning Board member John Mathieu made the motion to continue the hearing, so the company could explain itself, and so the town could be heard.
“The public really hasn’t had the opportunity to meet with these people or question them,” he said.
In other business, the Planning Board voted to recommend Mary Crain as an interim member of the group, taking the open spot for Robert McNamara.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board will be on June 18, at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.
By Eric Tripoli