Cease and Desist Order Lifted

An Enforcement Order to Cease and Desist construction taking place in the new housing subdivision known as Park Place, was lifted on March 10. Coming before the commission to explain messy conditions in and near jurisdictional wetlands was property owner Jordan Medeiros.

            After numerous complaints filed by residents in the neighborhood the commission had ordered the mandate that work stop and Medeiros come before the commission with a plan to mitigate and clean up the site. Chairman Mike King said property owners in the neighborhood had complained bitterly about construction trash blowing onto their properties, foam insulation filling pools and storm water retention areas, and a general disregard of the need to keep construction waste contained.

            Chairman Mike King stated “…clean-up the mess!”

            Medeiros said clean up had now been completed. King said the commission would make a site visit to observe his efforts at clean up, that it wasn’t fair to the neighbors who had invested large sums of money in developing their properties, and that resource areas must be protected. Medeiros said he had tried to stay on top of clean-up but that the Transfer Station was sometimes closed because his crew had worked late.

            In other business, a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Marc E. Kaner Revocable Trust for the construction of a new septic system at 2 Pinewood Way received approval via a Negative 3 ruling.

            Continued until the next meeting was a Notice of Intent filing by Richard Waterhouse, 0 Bay View Avenue for management and removal of phragmites and other invasive species located in jurisdictional zones including salt marsh and land subject to flooding. The continuation was required pending Department of Environmental Protection review.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for March 24 at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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