The discussion was wide-ranging from drainage systems to the highway department headquarters, from culverts to snowplowing and grass cutting when the Mattapoisett Capital Planning Committee met with Highway Surveyor Garrett Bauer on January 21.
Bauer brought the committee up to speed on repairs and renovations that have been taking place at the department’s headquarters on 5 Mendell Road. He said that exhaust fans, a new sprinkler system, and floor drains, had been completed on a project that is estimated to cost $3,200,000 when complete.
Next up the committee heard of vehicle needs over the next few years with it clearly noted that new vehicles are taking more than a year to be delivered with long supply chain wait times. It was also clear that Bauer looks to get as much use as possible out of the existing fleet including adding an aluminum liner to one truck to make it more serviceable.
The importance of repairing and updating north to south running village street drainage systems was touched on. Town Administrator Mike Lorenco said it was imperative to complete some culvert repairs and replacements prior to the beginning of the village street reconstruction project. He said that the Pearl Street drainage project which is currently out for bids will eventually connect to underground storm water systems and that the federally mandated treatment systems of storm water before being discharged into the harbor had to be completed.
There are four culverts on the plan as well. They are Molly’s Cove, Water Street, Acushnet Road (the Manny Nunes culvert), and Pine Island. Some grant monies are being sought specifically for Molly’s Cove through the Coastal Zone Management process offered by the state Lorenco noted.
Currently, town departments are fine tuning their FY26 Capital Plans for the spring Town Meeting. The Highway Departments spreadsheet lists the following for FY26; $300,000 annual roadway improvements, $1,300,000 Oakland Street drainage project, $3,200,000 building renovations, $75,000 John Deere Gator (roadside mowing), and an aluminum flatbed for 2015 F-250 sander for a total of $4,895,000.
Chairman Mike Dahill said that although the committee was not responsible for school capital plans, it was incumbent that the committee include those capital plans so that the public can have the full picture. He asked the committee to avail themselves of a report by the school district that outlined the needs at Old Rochester Junior and Senior High School, an estimated $53,000,000.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Capital Planning Committee to be announced.
Mattapoisett Capital Planning
By Marilou Newell