Cap Planning Gets Project Updates

            At the December 9 meeting of the Mattapoisett Capital Planning Committee town administrator Mike Lorenco gave a status report on a variety of multi-phase multi-dollar projects.

            Topping the list was the Main Street (village streets) construction project. Lorenco said that design currently stands at 20-percent and that an arborist has been hired to assist with planting and tree removal planning. During a June information session public comments were received and various traffic flow issues and ideas were floated such as one way travel on Water Street. The town has been working with the state on utilities design.

            Lorenco shared that long before any work can be scheduled some 120 easements would have to be granted for things like material storage and equipment. Also the culvert at the town beach on Water Street had to be replaced. Water lines with an estimated price tag of $20 million need to be considered.

            Regarding the Pearl Street project, Lorenco said that project which the town had approved along with Oakland Street at an estimated cost of $1.4 million, will go out to bid in the coming weeks with a spring start date and that Oakland Street underground services (gas, sewer, and water) were complete. He said an asphalt overlay is planned. However, he cautioned that the $1.4 million will not be enough given current pricing.

            Long Wharf reconstruction project is at a bit of a stall presently. Additional borings confirmed site conditions as amenable to repairs but that materials for the project had yet to be decided.

            Improvements to the Highway Department Building are moving along and the floor drains have been completed. But the discovery of asbestos required extra work. He forecasted that this project should com in close to budget at $350,000. Lorenco also noted that exhaust fans have been installed.

            Student work on the Holy Ghost Grounds building which included flooring, electrical with new panel and fixtures is ongoing with the students from Old Colony “plugging along.”

            Library repairs with the exception of the slate roof are funded up to $45,000 for carpet replacement yet to be done. Also pending is a full feasibility study for Town Hall Lorenco noted. In May 2023 $35,000 was appropriated for the study he said. Regarding repairs to Town Hall he said that holes in the roof had been patched, exterior trim and painting was complete, “…the animals can’t get in.”

            On the topic of vehicles he reminded the committee of the year or more wait times for new vehicle deliveries. Both the Highway Department and the Police Department (a new ambulance) are waiting for deliveries.

            The bike path’s next phase was mentioned at a possible cost of $3 million. Lorenco said that funding was a “big question mark” but that grants would be sought, “…it may have to go through the TIP process.”

            Lorenco also touched on debt saying that while the library and local schools are rolling off the payment schedule, the new fire station is rolling on.

            Recently completed projects include a new generator for the housing authority, Old Slough Road, Mattapoisett Neck Road sidewalk, car charging stations at Mattapoisett Police and Depot Street, dredging of the inner harbor, municipal fiber optic loop, ADA transition plan, Legion Hall repairs and ADA upgrades and relocation of town server to the fire station.

            Next meeting of the Mattapoisett Capital Planning Committee to be announced.

Mattapoisett Capital Planning Committee

By Marilou Newell

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