Bylaw Codification Updates Nearly Complete

            Marion’s Bylaw Codification Committee, a subcommittee of the Planning Board headed up by Planning Board member Norm Hills, has been working off a consultant’s list in addition to its own discoveries in an effort to achieve an update that will go to Fall Special Town Meeting floor.

            Hills told the Planning Board during its August 16 public meeting that the committee has solidified a series of changes, and board members reviewed them in preparation for presentation at a public meeting. Hills summarized the list intended for the Fall Town Meeting warrant.

            The revisions due August 31 include the following:

            In Chapter 7, Article 2, on the Council on Aging, it is now recommended that, since Marion has paid employees, the section will be deleted. The Friends of the COA still assist with fundraising.

            The town moderator article is being formalized and changes the elected moderator’s term from one to three years.

            Heretofore elected, the tree warden will henceforth be an appointed position.

            A proposed litter bylaw came as a request of a student at Old Rochester Regional High School. Hills said this will expand on the state litter bylaw.

            The Water Supply Protection District and Aquifer Protection District bylaws have been updated to reflect state requirements.

            Seeking clarification, the Solar Bylaw has been updated to reflect that the panel area is one half of the lot size. The Planning Board voted to approve member Eileen Marum’s motion that the section (A) containing the word “glare” be deleted from the bylaw. It was agreed glare is not an issue.

            Hills reported that the town has been working the past couple of months with Woods Hole Group to develop a Hazard Mitigation Plan to meet state requirements. Marion participants include Town Administrator Jay McGrail, Chief of Police Richard Nighelli, Fire Chief Brian Jackvony, Department of Public Works Director Nathaniel Munafo, Harbormaster Isaac Perry, Building Commissioner Scott Shippey, Conservation Commission Chair Shaun Walsh, and members of the Planning Board.

            “It’s getting close to having a final draft product for public review,” said Hills, who told the board that a Zoom meeting to field public comment is planned for Thursday, September 9, at 6:00 pm.

            “We’re still building the document,” he said.

            Hills will send the entire package, revisions included, to Town Counsel Jon Witten for his review before it goes to the Select Board. The warrant for Fall Town Meeting closes on Tuesday, September 21.

            Planning Board Chair Will Saltonstall publicly thanked Hills for spearheading the codification work.

            In other business, the board voted 4-0 to make clerical edits to the decision language in the board’s award of a special permit to Papa’s Real Estate, LLC for a propane storage business on Luce Avenue. The board voted to pay Beals and Thomas Inc. $2,757.50 for its engineering review; that fee is reimbursable from the applicant.

            At the applicant’s request, the continued public hearing for a special permit applied for by Sherman Briggs and Hamblin Homes Inc. for the construction of 28 townhouses at Spring and Mill Streets was once again continued to Monday, September 7, at 7:05 pm. Saltonstall said he will miss the meeting but plans to continue participation via the Mullin Rule, a state-authorized provision allowing members of adjudicatory boards to miss a maximum of one meeting and still participate.

            The Zoning Board of Appeals sought the Planning Board’s comment on Wael and Maria Bayazid’s application for the reconstruction of an existing non-conforming garage at 95 Allens Point Road. “It they’re going to rebuild this, why not put it … someplace that is more conforming and closer to the house? They have plenty of land,” said Hills. “I would just question not moving it further away as possible.”

            Saltonstall told the board that an application from the owner of the Captain Hadley House is anticipated.

            The next meeting of the Marion Planning Board is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7, at 7:00 pm.

Marion Planning Board

By Mick Colageo

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