Boil-water Order Lifted for Mattapoisett Only

The boil-water order has been lifted for Mattapoisett but not for Marion or Fairhaven.

There is no E. coli in any MRV member town, but the presence of total coliform in some samples taken in Marion and Fairhaven has the state Department of Environmental Protection not yet willing to authorize the lifting of the boil-water order in those towns. (Not mentioned, but deducing here that, since approximately 250 houses in Rochester are served by Marion town water, the boil order continues for those homes as well.)

According to Mattapoisett River Valley Water District Chairman Vinny Furtado of Fairhaven: The earliest that the DEP will allow Marion and Fairhaven to life the boil order is Saturday. They may decide to hold off and test another round on Monday. As the Zoom meeting adjourned, Henri Renauld and Meghan Davis were on a conference call with the DEP.

According to Renauld, the Mattapoisett Water superintendent: The MRV and the Town of Mattapoisett had clean samples on Oct. 7 and 12, 13 and 14 (no total coliform and more importantly no E. coli).

According to Marion DPW Director Nathaniel Munafo: Marion had clean samples on Tuesday and Wednesday, but on Thursday found total coliform in low counts at two locations. Marion’s Water Dept. continues to collect additional samples today to send to the lab immediately.

According to Furtado: Fairhaven is also E. coli free as of T-W-Th (the three-day stretch that DEP looks at before considering allowing a town to life a boil order), but like Marion, Fairhaven found total coliform in some samples so the state is hesitant to lift the boil order in Fairhaven.

Renauld noted that the chlorination process emanating from the MRV water treatment facility can take time to realize its full effect in far-away places such as West Island or Converse Road, but those systems are expected to clear up.

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