Board Releases 53G Funds

The Mattapoisett Planning Board spent the lion’s share of their rather short agenda approving the release of 53G funds for several completed roadway projects.

            The catch name 53G stands for special accounts set up by applicants to cover the costs of peer-review experts for such projects as subdivision roadways and other construction-related engineering oversight. Such funds are often requested by the Conservation Commission for special environmental issues. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40, Section 53G details the regulations governing such funds, including their return to the original grantor.

            On Monday night, the Board met briefly with Russell Chase regarding his request for the return of 53G funds in the amount of $2,000 for a roadway off North Street to service a pending solar array. The request was approved.

            The board also met briefly with Dave Andrews of the Bay Club, who gave an update of roadway completion in the vast subdivision. It was determined by the board that upon favorable reports on the roadways by the Highway Surveyor Garrett Bauer, $500,000 may be returned of 53G funds previously requested by the board to ensure roadway completion. If reports are satisfactory, all but $27,000 will be returned until all roads are fully complete.

            In a separate but related matter, 32 Split Rock Lane (a neighborhood within the subdivision separately held) resident Hugh Rowlett noted that some drainage features were still not operating properly. Andrews said he would pass along the information to the developer.

            The public hearing for a Form C subdivision submitted by JBL Fairhaven Road LLC was closed after the board discussed peer-review consultant comments by Ken Motta of Field Engineering. In his letter to the board, he confirmed the majority of his previously delivered comments have been addressed.

            Included in the letter were his suggestions on how the final order might be drafted. He suggested including language that covered shop drawings for the highway surveyor, preconstruction conference, additional test pits to confirm soils and use of an easement on an abutting lot during construction.

            The proposed solar array planned for 156 Acushnet Road was represented by Jim Pavlik of Outback Engineering. Pavlik reported that they are still awaiting acceptance by the state for a dual-use license for both agricultural activities and energy generation on the same site. He also said that the Mattapoisett Fire Department has asked for a small modification to the access-roadway plan. The hearing was continued until December 19.

            Earlier in the meeting, Tree Warden Roland Cote received permission to remove a tree in the public easement adjacent to 8 Rock Street for safety reasons.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for Monday, December 5, at 7:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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