Board Recommends Flood Plain Bylaw Article

            Rochester Planning Board on May 11 held a public hearing for an Annual Town Meeting Warrant article pertaining to an amendment to the flood plain zoning bylaw, something Town Counsel Blair Bailey said the town must undergo every few years as the federal flood insurance regulations change every so often.

            Bailey said most people won’t notice anything resulting from the bylaw amendment, “But the ones who do pay [for flood insurance], they know.”

            The amendments, though, are positive in nature, Bailey said, as they do provide additional definitions and more clearly spell out specific situations and questions that have become common. The bylaw amendments will make having to dig through federal regulations to answer common questions of applicability less frequent for residents, he said.

            “Make no mistake … we don’t really have a choice,” said Bailey when it comes to adoption of this specific article. “This is what we’re told we have to pass in order for residents of the town to get coverage under the federal flood insurance program.” However, he added, it does not alter the program as it currently stands.

            With no questions from the board or the public, the board voted to recommend the article at Town Meeting on May 24.

            Before adjourning, Planning Board Chairman Arnie Johnson reminded the public that this was the final remotely held hybrid meeting of the Planning Board. All future meetings will be held at Old Colony in-person only; if the public has any questions about any current or future agenda items, he advised, “You must do it in person.”

            The public hearing for a Special Permit for Snipatuit Road Solar, LLC for a large-scale solar photovoltaic installation slated for 0 Snipatuit Road was continued until May 25 at the applicant’s request.

            The public hearing for a Definitive Subdivision Plan application, “Longbow Lane,” for Planning Board member Bendrix Bailey was also continued until May 25 at the applicant’s request.

            The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 25, at 7:00 pm and will be in-person only (no Zoom) at the Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School Library.

Rochester Planning Board

By Jean Perry

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