Board Quick to Approve Assist

            One of the main concerns of the Marion Planning Board has been the town’s increasing senior population and inside of that segment, many who are challenged to economically sustain residency in their hometown.

            So it was without hesitation that the board voted during its public meeting on Monday night at the Police Station to honor Alex Race’s Approval Not Required (ANR) application.

            Race, the 590 Delano Road neighbor of Janice Bassett (618D), proposed a deal in which he would purchase a piece of Bassett’s abutting property in order to give his neighbor a needed financial boost.

            The catch, as he would explain, was that the swap would require Planning Board approval because Bassett’s 2.1-acre lot would be rendered nonconforming (less than 2 acres) as a result. As a solution, Race also included a piece of his own land going back to Bassett in the deal, which was basically a mechanism through which he could provide his neighbor an opportunity to age in place.

            “We sat down and had an agreement because I could see she was struggling,” said Race after the meeting, describing Bassett as a friend.

            During the Open Comment section of the meeting, Planning Board Chairman Tucker Burr told the members that he has been informed by Town Administrator Geoff Gorman that the Codification Committee, which had been functioning as a subcommittee to the Planning Board, should report straight to the Select Board.

            Burr said the Planning Board should have its own subcommittee, the primary focus of which would be on zoning matters. He intends to consult with Building Commissioner Bob Grillo on the matter.

            Select Board member Norm Hills, the chairman of the Codification Committee, retired from the Planning Board in May. Burr suggested anyone interested in serving on the Codification Committee should reach out to the Select Board.

            Burr intends to present “something formal” to establish a subcommittee to the Planning Board when the board next meets on Monday, July 17.

            Citing logistical issues, board member Andrew Daniel considers the rearrangement a red flag, asserting that the Codification Committee had a specific purpose when it was started.

            “It grew into something entirely different … into a regulate-the-hell-out of-the town committee. That’s going to go to the (jurisdiction of the) Select Board, and one of those (members) is on the Codification Committee,” he said. “And we’re going to start a subcommittee that will be designed to do what this one was supposed to do all along?”

            Burr reiterated he has been instructed that the Codification Committee was always meant to be a subcommittee to the Select Board, not the Planning Board.

            Planning Board member Eileen Marum recalled that the Codification Committee was conceived after Hills researched issues pertaining to zoning bylaws and it was decided that the then-town administrator (Paul Dawson) would hire a firm to help the Planning Board go through the town’s bylaws, find conflicts and provide clarification where needed.

            “When we had Planning Board meetings, everyone had an understanding of what the bylaws were. That’s how it originally started,” recalled Marum, noting that Town Clerk Lissa Magauran studied the matter and found that the Codification Committee was part of the Select Board.

            Board member Alanna Nelson sought clarification as to if the Planning Board will hold a series of meetings about zoning changes and the Select Board will be doing the same. Burr was not clear but said that “the committee they’re running, they appoint to the Codification Committee.”

            Also during Community Outreach, Daniel publicly thanked the supporting officers who ensured public safety at the July 1 fireworks show, calling it “phenomenal. … Everyone did an awesome job. … I think it was the smoothest one I’ve ever been to.”

            Member Jon Henry pointed out that two fireworks displays were held simultaneously at Silvershell Beach and at Kittansett Club.

            Member William “Dale” Jones reiterated his interest in business cards for the board members. Both Marum and Daniel thought it not necessary, but Jones argued that almost every board has them, estimating he could distribute at least 200 cards. Burr agreed as chairman to price out the cards and go from there.

            Board administrator Terri Santos is working on procuring nameplates for the members at the meeting table.

            Town Planner Doug Guey-Lee, attending the meeting via Zoom, openly welcome board members to reach out to him by phone, email or in person regarding any matter. Daniel said he would like to engage Guey-Lee regarding the plan to replace the bridge over the Weweantic River on Route 6 to Wareham.

            Early in the meeting, the board argued whether meeting minutes should acknowledge the May 15 meeting that was later considered ineffective due to a lack of a quorum (five members were present but some had not yet been sworn in since the May 12 election.) Citing a state “carryover” law, Daniel asserted that Marum’s May 15 participation should count. The board voted to accept the May 15 minutes as amended to correct the ORCTV technician recording the meeting.

            The next meeting of the Marion Planning Board is scheduled for Monday, July 17, at 7:00 pm at the Police Station.

Marion Planning Board

By Mick Colageo

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