As Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Richard Cutler and fellow board members Kirby Gilmore and David Arancio waited for the other members to arrive for the November 13 meeting, they reflected upon the loss of Gilmore’s brother, Benjamin, who passed away on October 31.
They placed a bouquet of flowers at the meeting table where for many years on various boards and committees he had served the Town of Rochester, most recently on the ZBA.
Gilmore spoke of Benjamin’s generosity throughout his life with not only his time and possessions, but also his total commitment to helping others and his love of family and friends. He was remembered as an outstanding public servant and now a much missed loving brother.
Cutler was able to call the meeting to order with the arrival of Randal Cabral and Davis Sullivan. Benjamin Gilmore’s vacant seat on the ZBA was filled with the advancement of David Arancio from associate member to member.
Coming before the ZBA to hear the final legal decision on his application was Brian Cook of Sprint Reality for a mixed-use property located at the former General Store site on Route 105.
Cutler read from a letter drafted by Town Counsel Blair Bailey, which states that Cook may construct three businesses and two residences in a single structure that may not exceed the previous structure’s square footage or set-backs.
The applicant is allowed to build on the location, opening businesses in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and of a similar nature to those allowed in the past. Zoning bylaws 9A3 and 9A5 were cited.
Cutler impressed upon Cook the importance of filing the decision with the Registry of Deeds, and that he also has 20 days to appeal the decision. Cook thanked the board and was pleased with the documentation.
Cutler told the board he is scheduled to meet with Planning Board Chairman Arnold Johnson and a member of the board of selectmen to discuss how to move forward with bylaw amendments on the heels of issues that had arisen at the Fall Special Town Meeting.
He said that the various boards are not working from the same set of bylaws and that bylaw amendments from 2012 and 2013 had yet to be included in a thoroughly updated document. Cabral asked who was responsible for updating the zoning bylaws. Cutler responded the town clerk.
The next meeting of the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled for December 11 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall conference room.
By Marilou Newell