The Marion Board of Selectmen recognized and congratulated the Old Rochester Regional Boys’ Varsity Basketball Team and pronounced that day, April 7, as the Old Rochester Boys’ Basketball Team Day.
ORR Bulldogs were present at the meeting, held at the Marion Music Hall to accommodate the team members and their families, and were presented certificates of recognition from selectmen.
“You have really made the Tri-Town area very proud,” said Board of Selectmen Chairman Jonathan Henry. “And what you’ve done, very few schools have done.”
Selectmen later closed and approved the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting on May 11, against the recommendation of Marion Finance Committee Chairman Alan Minard.
After a brief summary of the Fiscal Year 2016 final budget, Minard told selectmen that neither he nor the rest of the FinCom had been given a chance to review the warrant as written, having only received it that afternoon. Three or four of the articles, said Minard, may or may not have a cost impact on the Town; however, a few articles, such as Article 41, which addresses costs pertaining to an easement grant on Bird Island to the Department of Fish and Game, might.
“I have no idea whether that means $42 to record a deed, or $420,000 to help excavate the pier and drudge the sanctuary,” said Minard.
Town Administrator Paul Dawson advised the selectman that they could still close the warrant that night without FinCom’s recommendations since that is customary, and all a vote would do is lock in the 49 Annual Town Meeting articles and five Special Town Meeting articles for the warrant.
“I would recommend that you take one of the articles out to avoid a big discussion on the floor and for no net gain,” said Minard, referring to Article 32, a Community Preservation article that would allocate $500,000 for the purpose of the design and construction of the Town House renovation.
“I believe the money can be reserved in other ways, and there needs to be further discussion before it gets reserved for (the project),” Minard said. “My guess is there’s no ill effect in postponing this for a year,” adding that the Town House Building Study Committee still has not decided how the project will look. “But I can guarantee a lengthy discussion on Town Meeting floor.”
Dawson said he understood why Minard was troubled by the article, to which Minard responded, “I’m just predicting the future. I’m not troubled by it…”
Dawson said the article was worded broadly only to allow the project to move forward without narrowly allocating the funds for specific phases of the project. “I think this article should remain in the warrant.”
“I think that will anger the taxpayer, that’s all I’m trying to say here,” said Minard. “The money isn’t going to go away and I just think it’s gonna be a waste of time on the Town Meeting floor.
We’ll take our chances with that, Henry told Minard.
Before leaving the meeting, Minard criticized this year’s budgetary process, saying that last year he made certain recommendations for a smoother budget process, having asked for the selectmen, Dawson, and the Finance Department to assist departments as they developed their budgets.
“Basically, there were no changes made over the course of the year,” said Minard, informing the selectmen that he would be forwarding them some new recommendations he would like them to support.
“Well, we look forward to receiving your recommendations,” Henry told him. Minard took a seat and then left the meeting.
In other matters, the board signed the $1.7 million bond anticipation note for the Great Hill Water Tank project, and approved and executed the town administrator’s and public health nurse’s employment contracts.
The board refrained from approving a request from the Marion Open Spaces Acquisition Commission regarding management of Goldovitz Pond after receiving an email from Conservation Commission Chairman (among other positions in town) Norman Hills persuading the board to hold off on a vote in favor.
The next meeting of the Marion Board of Selectmen is scheduled for April 14 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Town House.
By Jean Perry