The Rochester Planning Board on June 26 found itself flying through its agenda after several applicants requested continuances, reducing the two pages down to just one opened public hearing.
Matt Moyen of PetroTech Consultants presented the details of the plan for new pollution controls at the solid waste to renewable energy facility at 141 Cranberry Highway owned by Covanta SEMASS. New pollution controls will be located completely within the existing developed site and among several existing structures, resulting in no substantive changes to the number of employees or conditions at the site. The multiphase project will be implemented over a number of years. The public hearing was closed, with the possibility of the hearing being reopened again on July 9, should it be needed.
In other business, the board approved the back lot special permit for Susan Trahan, 243 Mattapoisett Road.
The public hearing for large-scale photovoltaic installation special permit application filed by SWEB Development USA for 0 Marion Road, owned by Rochester Farms, LLC, was continued until July 9 at the request of the applicant.
Two public hearings running tandem with each other were also continued until July 9 at the request of the applicants: Sofia Darras, 565 and 0 Rounseville Road, for a special permit pertaining to drainage work and an Approval Not Required application; REpurpose Properties for 0 Rounseville Road for an age-restricted housing development.
The next meeting of the Rochester Planning Board is scheduled for July 9 at 7:00 pm at the Rochester Town Hall.
Rochester Planning Board
By Jean Perry