The November 9 meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission found the members discussing one barrier beach project with several jurisdictional sticking points and the possibility of a beachfront enforcement order replete with jurisdiction oversight.
The Notice of Intent filed by David Ricci and represented by Bob Field of Field Engineering is for property located on a narrow strip of barrier beach along Cove Road.
Upon reopening the hearing, Chairman Mike King said several times that it appeared that “mother nature” was holding on or pushing back with the proliferation of Japanese Knot weed that Ricci hopes to have removed. But the matter of the removal of some of the remaining cedars and other native species was a sticking point for the commission.
Field noted that he preferred to wait until there was a fully seated commission before pressing forward, given that during his previous presentation commission sentiment was split on how or if to condition the project for a single-family dwelling. King said he thought the project and associated plan adjustments were moving in the right direction but understood Field’s reticence and request to continue the matter for two weeks.
In the meantime, Field offered to prepare a planting plan and also suggested that he bifurcate the project, separating a parking area from the dwelling area. King accepted that those changes are a good idea. The filing was continued to November 22.
Late into the proceedings, the commissioners were asked by Environmental Agent Brandon Fanuef, working on behalf of the town, as to whether they wished to ratify an Enforcement Order issued to Peter Franceschina, 58 Pico Beach Road, for what he deemed was “vista pruning.”
In evidence, Faneuf produced several photographs that showed cedar trees which had had all lower branches removed and several other saplings that had been cut down. He explained the wetland jurisdiction that the commission holds over such natural locations by state law.
Coming forward was Franceschina, saying he was in receipt of the order and that he was hiring Mark Maganiello to assist with plans. King responded, “Say no more,” indicating his high regard for Maganiello’s work on other projects. For his part, Franceschina was apologetic. The Enforcement Order was not ratified. King told Franceschina that he looks forward to his plan.
In other matters, Long Built Homes received a negative determination of applicability for construction of a dwelling within a 100-foot buffer zone on a two-lot subdivision located at the end of Snow Field Road.
An Amended Order of Conditions was approved for Lot 38 Shagbark Circle, owned by Nicholas and Alexis LeBlanc, to bring into compliance in-field changes to the plan of record and establishment of permanent signage indicating the wetlands boundary.
A RDA filed by Randolph Alexander, 7 Wolf Island Road, found the commission agreeing to grant a stream “intermittent” status not subject to the Riverfront requirements of the Wetlands Protection Act.
A NOI filed by James and Sharlene Craig for a two-lot family subdivision was conditioned with a special condition for turtle barriers.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, November 22, at 6:30 pm.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell