Bay Club Plans Additional Units

            During Monday night’s meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board, Bay Club representative David Andrews said that more than 20 years ago when the residential subdivision was first being planned and permitted, it was decided that the Planning Board would oversee site plans and any and all associated covenants and sureties. After announcing that the original subdivision was nearing final build-out, Andrews said a smaller plan for additional units was being proposed.

            Andrews said that two lots currently zoned “light industrial” needed to be rezoned to “residential” lots. This change would give the necessary 5 acres needed for a special residential district in which up to 12 additional two- and three-bedroom units could be built. He said that preliminary concepts included units of approximately 2,600 square feet.

            Planning Board member Karen Field asked if these would be affordable-housing units. Andrews replied, “affordable for Mattapoisett.” The units will be priced at market value, he clarified. The proposed subdivision will also require vetting by the Zoning Board of Appeals to change its status to residential.

            The project will be located approximately 1,000 feet from Industrial Drive and be accessible from the back entrance, Andrews noted.

            Regarding roadway completion on existing roads in the private subdivision, Andrews said that plans call for completion in October.

            Roland Cote met with the Planning Board to receive authorization to remove seven trees in the public way along Randall Road. He said that new construction in that area has exposed damaged trees now listing or otherwise diseased. He said, “We’ve got plenty of trees in Mattapoisett; I wouldn’t worry about a few trees (being removed.)” Cote said it is not a scenic roadway. He said that the developer might be willing to plant some trees.

            Sandra Hering, chairman of the Tree Committee, said that the group does not favor spending limited funds on trees along a dead-end road, instead being more selective of planting locations. She said the committee has plans that they could share with the Planning Board for reference. Hering also expressed her concern that the board was rather quick in approving tree removal but sought common ground moving forward.

            A request for an Approval Not Required was approved for property located at 35 Mattapoisett Neck Road. Engineer David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc. confirmed that the Zoning Board of Appeals has granted a variance and that subsequent appeals by abutters were denied.

            A Form C application for a Definitive Plan submitted by JBL Fairhaven Road, LLC for property located on the northside of Fairhaven Road was continued until November 7 pending peer-review report from Field Engineering.

            Also continued was a Site Plan Review for 156 Acushnet Road, the location planned for a solar array. The property owner plans to keep sheep nearby. An existing 5-foot fence will remain in place to separate the animals from the ground-mounted solar panels. Sun Partners Solar is working with the owners, and Outback Engineering is the engineer of record. An application has been sent to the state, it was disclosed, and Field Engineering will be the peer-review consultants. The filing was continued until November 7.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for Monday, October 17, at 7:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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