The Town of Rochester has received $310,000 in federal grant money to make safety improvements to areas of High Street, and in light of this road improvement, Highway Surveyor Jeff Eldridge asked the Rochester Board of Selectmen on February 27 to approve placing a debt exclusion vote on the April election ballot to fund road resurfacing.
About $750,000 would go towards paving High Street, and the remaining $250,000 towards asphalt resurfacing on Hartley Road.
Eldridge initially asked for an article to be placed on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant for a $1 million override, but Selectmen Chairman and Town Clerk Naida Parker advised Eldridge that a debt exclusion on the ballot would be the way to go.
However, should voters approve it, an article would also have to be placed in the town meeting warrant for voters to allocate the funds.
“You’re talking a million dollars,” said Town Administrator Suzanne Szyndlar.” You’re talking about $88,000 a year in debt service.”
The average tax impact on a single family home in Rochester valued at $350,000 would be $40 a year.
The wording for the ballot will be crafted by the next meeting so that it can meet the ballot deadline 35 days before the election.
The next meeting of the Rochester Board of Selectmen is scheduled for March 6 at 7:00 pm at the Rochester Town Hall.
By Jean Perry